- Glossary of Naval Ship Types 海军舰船术语汇编
- A separation method of naval ship radiated noise sources using measure data of radiated noise was introduced. 介绍一种从舰艇辐射噪声数据中分离辐射噪声源的方法.
- Abstract: Readiness is a necessary quality characteristic of naval ship's weapon system in ap? plication. 摘要:战备完好性是舰船系统在使用过程中需要达到的一种质量特性。
- Computer symbols for glossary of merchant ship tec. 运输船舶技术经济论证术语计算机符号。
- According to the tactics principle of naval ship counter acoustic homing torpedo, this paper mainly discusses naval ship how to counter acoustic homing torpedo by using the noises produced by continual underwater explosions. 根据舰艇对抗声自导鱼雷的战术原则,从实战出发,本文重点对水面舰艇利用水下连续爆炸声信号与声自导鱼雷的对抗进行了研究。
- This paper presents the multiple pulse communication method for converter driver of naval ship and makes specific explanation and calculation on the composing of 24-pulse commutation circuit. 文章对舰船用于逆变器驱动的多脉波整流方法进行了论述,并对24脉波整流电路构成作了详细说明和计算。
- The book also included a glossary of terms. 这本书也包含了词汇表。
- Traditional malfunction analysis of naval ships based on the co-distribution of three periods that are early, accidental and wearing malfunction. 传统的舰船故障分析多由早期故障期、偶然故障期和耗损故障期三阶段的故障分布组合而成,没有统一的数学表达式。
- Glossary of Insurance and Financial Planning Terms. 保险与金融规划词汇。
- The combat tasks of modern navy require the mode of Ad Hoc network based on phased arrays for the formation of naval ships. 现代海战需要适合舰艇编队采用的基于相控阵天线的无中心自组网通信方式。
- Hypermedia Glossary of Genetic Terms. 遗传学术语。
- The damage risk of shipboard equipments subjected to the impulsive loads poses challenges to the combat capability of naval ships. 舰载设备的抗冲击能力对提高舰船战斗力和生命力有十分重要的意义。
- GardenWeb Glossary of Botanical Terms. 园艺辞典。地质学词汇。
- A Bilingual Glossary of Pragmatics. 语用学术语。
- The Rate Model of Naval Ship's Battlefield Damage 水面舰艇战场损伤概率网格模型的分析研究
- The ships required the protection of naval and air power. 船只本身需要海军和空军的保护。
- intelligent mobile action of naval ship 舰艇智能机动
- Here is a glossary of some common terms used in chess. 这里是一些常用的国际象棋词汇术语。
- Glossary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Online. 生物化学及分子生物学词汇解释。
- Account information, legal details and a useful glossary of terms. 客户的帐户资料及法律资料。