- Glanycus tricolorn. 黑蝉网蛾
- The tricolor flutters11 everywhere. 三色旗四处飘扬。
- The canvas mainly uses the tricolor. 这幅油画主要是采用了三原色。
- Tricolor can form all types of color by combination. 三原色可以复合成各种色光。
- The milk and the bread are all in Tricolor Dove Nutrition Paradise! 美味的牛奶、可口的面包尽在三色鸽营养乐园!
- Loasa tricolor Ker-Gawl. var. placei (Lindl.) J.B.Urb. &Gilg 植物更多的照片这里可以看.
- Another red-headed tricolor champion female with less black on her skull. 另一只红色头部的冠军母犬,头部有很少的黑色。
- Tricolor Fringe Phase-shifting Technique in Projection Grating Profilometry[J]. 引用该论文 付林;李振华;贺安之.
- T5-HO fluorescent lamp is made with high grade tricolor phosphors powder. T5高输出型双端荧光灯采用优质三基色荧光粉制作,适应于电子镇流器条件下工作。
- Because sable is controlled on the same gene as tricolor and saddle these patterns cannot be combined. 因为貂色与三色受控于同一基因,所以这两种斑纹样式不能合二为一。
- A few years ago, all the Border Collies in a sheepdog trial would have been black and white or tricolor. 几年前,在牧羊比赛中边境基本是黑白色或三色。
- LEDs have standard led, super bright led, ultra bright led, tricolor led, SMD led and so on. 发光二极管有标准主导,超级光亮主导,超高亮度主导,主导色,索特主导等。
- The major yield includes the tricolor figurines and objects,porcelain,jade and bronze articles,epitaph etc. 随葬品主要有三彩俑及器物、彩绘陶俑、瓷器、玉器、铜器及墓志等。
- Occurrence Characteristic and Control Measures of Diseases of Viola tricolor var. Hortensis DC. 大棚三色堇病害发生特点及防治对策研究。
- Through field tricolor ink density measurement and calculation, the actual analysis of aqueous ink tricolor of error. 本文通过三原色油墨实地密度的测定及计算,分析实际三原色水性油墨存在的误差。
- "Most have nothing more Italian about them than the name above the door or a tricolor flag draped outside," he said. 大多数这样的餐馆里没有什么比门上的名字和挂在门外的三色旗更意大利的东西。"
- Tricolor energy-saving lamps and transparent lampshades are used for enjoyable appearance and good practicality. 选用三基色节能灯泡配以透明灯罩,极具观赏价值和实用价值。
- The tricolor of light was spinning like a swiftly-rotating wheel and created a dazzling rainbow color. 那三色光有如飙轮疾转,幻化出眩目的七彩。
- White, cream, fawn, golden, red, grizzle and tan, tricolor (white, black and tan) and black and tan. 白色、奶酪色、驼色、金色、红色、灰色、褐色、三色(黑色、白色、棕色)、黑色和棕色。
- When the invention is used in color lighting, the color gamut formed by tricolor is quite wide. 在应用于彩色照明时,其三基色组成的色域较宽。