- Giant Tree frogn. 大雨滨蛙(雨蛙科;大雨滨蛙)
- First, Arion shot with a Giant tree. 首先,大仔跟巨木1合照。
- That giant tree was laid prostrate by the violent typhoon. 那棵大树被强台风吹倒。
- Tree Frog, South America Unusual tree frog from South America. 树蛙,南美洲这只罕见的树蛙来自南美洲。
- Romer's Tree Frog (Philautus romeri) is endemic to Hong Kong. 卢文树蛙/卢氏小树蛙;是香港特有的.
- Like a six letter word for a three-11)toed African tree frog. 例如打一由六个字母组成的单词,意指某种非洲三趾树蛙。
- This giant tree is known to live for a thousand years. 这棵参天巨木已经生长了千年。
- A red-eyed tree frog will change its skin color to blend in with its surroundings. 红眼树蛙会改变皮肤颜色与其周围环境融合。
- A white-handed tree frog stares at the camera from its perch on a fern in S?o Paulo, Brazil. 意译:一只白色手的树蛙盯着照相机从它栖息的一棵羊齿类植物位于圣?保罗,巴西。
- Ants on the locust tree assume a great-nation swagger; and mayflies lightly plot to topple the giant tree. 蚂蚁缘槐夸大国,蚍蜉撼树谈何易
- On their journey they encounter a green tree frog, a python, a platypus and other Australian animals. ( 在他们的旅途上,他们遇到一只绿色的树蛙、蟒蛇、鸭嘴兽和其它澳大利亚动物。
- Caption :Within days of being deposited on a leaf overhanging a stream, tree frog eggs grow into recognizable tadpoles. 描述:在被置于漂浮在溪流中的树叶上的数日里,树蛙卵就能孵化成可辨认的蝌蚪了。
- The giant tree attracted many travelers. The carpenter however passed by the tree without a glance and stop. 这棵硕大无比的树吸引了无数游客的目光。而我们这位木匠先生却不屑一顾的走过去,没有停留片刻。
- Within days of being deposited on a leaf overhanging a stream, tree frog eggs grow into recognizable tadpoles. 几天之内一种生物存放在一片树叶上悬伸在一条小溪流,树蛙的卵子成长为可以辨别的蝌蚪。
- Zahl Within days of being deposited on a leaf overhanging a stream, tree frog eggs grow into recognizable tadpoles. 几天之内一种生物存放在一片树叶上悬伸在一条小溪流,树蛙的卵子成长为可以辨别的蝌蚪。
- An acorn cannot decide whether to become a giant tree or to become food for the squirrels. 一颗橡树果不能决定自己是长成一棵参天大树,还是成为松鼠的食物。
- Why be a frail bud in the greenhouse? Why not be a giant tree that braves the storm? 与其做温室中的小花,不如跑到人群当中,做经历狂风暴雨仍能屹立不倒的大树。
- And while we reached to the Giant trees path, we see very adorable big woofies. 我们走到了巨木林区,看见了可爱的大狗狗。
- A small, brownish tree frog (Hyla crucifer) of eastern North America, having a characteristic shrill, high-pitched call. 北美雨蛙:一种产于北美东部的棕色小树蛙(十字雨蛙),叫声尖厉而且高
- In one of his poems he wrote, "An ant tries to topple a giant tree, ridiculously overrating its ability. 他的一首诗中写到:“蚍蜉撼大树,可笑不自量。”(蚂蚁高估了自己的能力,竟然想推倒大树,十分可笑。