- Getting employment for women 女性就业
- Although great progress was made in the equality by Chinese women, the goal ofequal opportunity of employment for women has not been fully realized. 加主语"我们";而且提倡的是".;的精神"4
- The ex-convict found a base employment for himself. 那个过去被判过刑的人找到了一份卑微的工作。
- It is not uncommon for women to smoke in public. 妇女在大众面前抽烟并非不常见。
- Evening attire and accessories for women. 夜礼服女士晚间的服装以及各种装饰物
- High boots were the vogue for women last year. 高统靴去年在妇女中风靡一时。
- Long skirts for women are in fashion again. 女长裙又开始流行了。
- This room is exclusively for women. 这个房间是供妇女专用的。
- I have been in their employment for six years. 我为他们工作了六年。
- Joan is campaigning for equal rights for women. 琼在从事争取妇女平等权力的活动。
- John has been out of employment for three years. 约翰失业己经3年了。
- Realization of Data Extraction from Topic Data Warehouse of Getting Employment for Universities 面向高校就业的数据仓库中数据析取技术及实现
- My uncle procured employment for me. 我叔叔为我谋得一份差事。
- He has been in their employment for six years. 他为他们工作了六年。
- She locked horns with him over the subject of equal pay for women. 她在妇女同酬问题上跟他争得不可开交。
- They vigorously agitated for women's right to abortion. 他们开展了强有力的鼓动工作以争取妇女堕胎权。
- The finding of suitable accommodation or employment for applicants. 职业介绍,工作安排为申请者寻找适当住所或职业
- She locke horn with him over the subject of equal pay for women. 她在妇女同酬问题上跟他争得不可开交。
- This sample room is exclusively for women. 这试衣室仅供妇女使用。
- We promised to maintain employment for half a million workers. 我们允诺要雇用五十万职工。