- He was asked to leave because he lagged behind with rent. 他因拖欠房租而被子赶走。
- He got behind with his payments for the car. 他拖欠买汽车的车款。
- Get behind with rent 拖欠房租
- I've got behind with my homework. 我的家庭作业落下了。
- He got behind with the payments for his car. 他拖欠了买汽车的车款。
- I'm getting behind with my work. 我的工作拖延了。
- They've got behind with their delivery plan. 他们的运货计划有延误。
- Again we fell behind with our rent [payments]. 我们租子[款子]又交不上拖欠下来了。
- Don't fall behind with your rent. 不要拖欠房租。
- Mr.Johns got behind with the payments on his car and had to surrender it to the garage. 琼斯先生拖欠汽车款,只好把车交回车库。
- Don't fall behind with the rent, or you'll be evicted. 不要逾期不缴房租,否则会被逐出。
- The students are a month behind with the rent. 学生们已经拖欠了一个月的房租。
- Without newspaper, we would get behind the times. 要不是报纸,我们都赶不上时代了。
- He is two months behind with his rent. 他的房租已拖欠了两个月。
- Mr Jones got behind with the payment on his car and had to surrender it to the garage. 琼斯先生拖欠了汽车付款,只好把车卖给了车行。
- Peter is two months behind with the rent. 彼得已拖欠了两个月的租金。
- Don't fall behind with the rent! 不要拖欠租金!
- I'm getting behind (with my work). 我(工作)落後了。
- Make sure not to fall behind with your rent,please. 那次生病使得他落在班上其他学生之后。
- GDP of England occupies the sixth in western nation, getting behind with the United States, Japan, Germany, France and Italies. 英国的国内生产总值在西方国家中居第六位,落后于美国、日本、德国、法国和意大利。