- Gestalt therapy is not new. 格式塔疗法并不陌生。
- Thrombolytic therapy is not new, but has been difficult to study because not eery frostbite ictim is a candidate. 溶拴疗法不是一项新的治疗方法,但要研究其对冻伤病人的效果却很困难,因为并不是每个冻伤病人都符合研究要求。
- The practice of playing off one great power against another is not new. 挑拨一个强国对抗另一个强国并不是什么新的手法。
- The desire to ban land mines is not new. 禁止使用地雷的想法并非最近提出来的。
- Concomitant progestin therapy is not necessary. 不需要同时用孕激素。
- The profile or array technique is not new. 测线法或合阵法并不是新的。
- Drug-resistant tuberculosis is not new. 耐药结核病并不是新问题。
- The idea of skydiving is not new. 跳伞运动并不是一个新近发明的概念。
- The basic thinking behind DYNAMIC SPACE is not new! 活力空间的基本思想早已有之!
- This dependence on graphics is not new. 依赖图片来决定并不是新的做法。
- Fuel cell technology is not new. 燃料电池并非新技术。
- Second, levodopa therapy is not associated with neurotoxicity. 第二,左旋多巴治疗和神经毒性并不相关。
- But migration is not new to Newfoundlanders. 但移民对纽芬兰而言并不新鲜。
- Landscape ecology of the concept is not new. 景观的生态性并不是新鲜的概念。
- Corruption is not new in Mr Castro's Cuba. 腐败在卡斯特罗的古巴并不新鲜。
- The idea of evolutionary algorithms is not new. 进化算法这个观点并不是新提出。
- Obviously, such a strategy is not new. 这种策略显然不是新概念。
- In its historical perspective,international business is not new. 从历史的角度来看,国际商务并非新鲜事物。
- CRM is not new,but the Internet radically alters its dynamic. CRM不是什么新东西,但因特网急剧地改变了对它的需求。
- The question is not new, nor are most of her answers. 问题并不是一个新问题,也不是她大部分的答案。