- German research in the valency theory breaks through the circle of the traditional grammar and catches the essence of the theory. 德国的配价理论研究突破了传统语法的框框,抓住了配价的实质。
- GEOTECHNOLOGIEN is a geoscientific research and development programme funded by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) and the German Research Council (DFG). “GEOTECHNOLOGIEN计划”是一项由德国联邦教育研究部(BMBF)和德国研究委员会(DFG)共同资助的地球科学研究发展计划。
- Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, a leading German research organization, is developing materials and designs for a thermoelectric generator which will help to solve both problems. 德国弗劳恩霍夫-gesellschaft,德国领先的研究组织,是发展中国家的材料和设计热电发电机这将有助于解决这两个问题。
- The social sciences can only be vaguely defined: for example, the Brockhaus encyclopaedia provides a broader definition than the classification adopted by DFG (German Research Foundation). 祗能模糊地定义社会科学的内容,布罗克豪斯百科全书的定义较德国研究基金会的分类更加宽松。
- German research from 1990 glycerolysis of flexo business card printing and membership card making ink and systems in place of the water-based ink, thereby improving the drying rate and reduce waste. 德国从1990年不休查究无溶剂的刚性版制卡和会员卡制息油不朱及编制,替代火性油不朱,从而提矮潮潮速率,裁减废弃物的办理。
- German researchers recently uncovered an isotope of iron known as iron-60 in ocean bed samples laid down about two million years ago. 德国研究人员最近在大约于200万年前沉入海底的样本中发现了一种铁的同位素--铁60。
- German researchers say an important enzyme in the SARS pathogen is similar in structure and function to one found in cold-causing rhinoviruses. 德国研究人员说,SARS病原体中一种重要的酶在结构和功能上与一种造成感冒的鼻病毒相似。
- German researchers who have studied Rico for several years say he shows a skill, normal in young children, to form a rough meaning of a new word. 对里科进行了几年研究的德国研究者们说,它表现出一种儿童通常具有的技能,即能对一个新词汇形成一种粗略的概念。
- Acupuncture, one of the most popular complementary treatments, works as well as standard drugs for migraines, German researchers said on Thursday. 德国研究人员日前表示,针灸疗法作为目前最流行的辅助治疗手段之一,可以起到和治疗偏头痛的药物相同的作用。
- When it comes to German, I know nothing. 谈到德语,我一窍不通。
- German researchers develop an improved artificial cornea that may transform the lives of those in need of cornea transplants. 德国研究人员开发一种改良式人工角膜,可协助需要角膜移植者改变他们的生活。
- Helmholtz Associatio of German Research 德国亥姆霍兹国家研究中心联合会
- Conte found the answer in 1795.By mixing refined graphite powder with clay, then heating it,he produced a firm hard lead. German researchers later perfected the method. 1795年,康特找到了问题的答案。把经过精炼的石墨粉末混合以泥土,然后进行加热烧结,他生产出了牢固而坚硬的“铅”。德国的研究员其后又完善了这一方法。
- People could eat more cocoa-rich products such as dark chocolate but not drink tea if they want to lower their blood pressure, German researchers reported Monday. 星期一德国研究人员报道,要想降低血压,人们可以多吃象黑巧克力这样富含可可的食品但不能同时喝茶。
- German researchers have found a border collie (medium-sized, long-hair dog) named Rico who understands more than 200 words and can learn new ones as quickly as many children. 德国科学家发现了一条叫力克的牧羊狗(中等个头,长毛狗),它能够理解200多个单词,还能够象小孩一样快的学习新词。
- The English language is allied to the German language. 英语和德语属于同一语系。
- Hopes to be awarded a stipend for further research. 希望能被给予进一步研究的费用。
- German researchers hae found a natural component of human blood that block the HI irus from infecting cells, and would be more potent to fight the HI irus. 德国研究人员已经发现了一种存在于人血中可以阻断HI病毒感染细胞的天然成分,这将更有效的对抗HI病毒。
- The research project was only a partial success. 那个研究课题只取得部分成功。
- German researchers have discovered that pollen, bits of leaves, and even dandruff from people and animals are among the dust in the atmosphere and may affect climate. 德国研究人员发现花粉、残叶、甚至人类和动物身上的皮屑都存在于空气悬浮颗粒中,而且可能会影响气候的变化。