- German Naval Air Army 德国海军航空兵
- He served one month with the Air Army in Kuwait. 他在科威特的空军里服役1个月。
- His consequent distortion of the arrangements disturbed the German Naval Staff. 他后来对各项布置的胡乱更动,使德国海军参谋部忧心忡忡。
- It also has naval air force, marine corps, naval base and so on. 还有海军航空兵、海军陆战队、海军基地等。
- A high-ranking German Naval officer received him and guaranteed that no such thing would happen again. 一位德国高级海军军官接待了他,向他保证,今后不会再发生类似事件了。
- My brother pilots an advanced battle plane in Naval Air Force. 我哥哥是海军航空兵,驾驶先进的战斗机。
- The German Naval Staff were in hearty accord with all the postponements; indeed, they instigated them. 德国海军参谋部打心眼里赞成所有这几次延期;事实上,延期是他们从中怂恿的。
- The naval air squadron set to France was soon in the thick of the flight. 派到法国的海军航空中队的飞行却日趋频繁。
- Neighbors on the Baltic Sea to the Kiel Bay, since the nineteenth century, the city has been since the sixties are the main German naval base. 机票预定:基尔机票预定须提供乘机人姓名,出生年月日,护照号,护照有效期。
- The pirates were caught by an international task force after an attack on a German naval ship in the waterway between Somalia and Yemen. 这些海盗是在德国海军在对索马里和海门之间水路的一次袭击之后由国际军事力量抓获的。
- Unfortunately for the U-boat force, as with all other naval officers at that time, the German Naval High Command believed vehemently in the unsinkable battleship. 对于U艇部队不幸的是,此时其他的海军军官,德国海军最高司令部还在迷信不沉战列舰。
- To the unproved Raeder, who had spent 16 years in such jobs as writing thoughtful screeds for the German naval journal, Marine Rundschau, it was a job that led on to destiny. 斯卡帕湾则是指一战德国海军在英国自沉的地点。
- The trio were airlifted to safety by a German naval helicopter and flown to a French frigate after the vessel summoned assistance from coalition warships. Davis说:“在联盟军舰发出援助要求后,一架德国海军直升机将三人安全运送到法国护卫舰上。
- Army, Airforce & Naval Air Statistical Record 陆海空三军航空兵统计记录
- Yes. A navy must be composed of surface ship unit, submarine unit, naval air force, marine corps and naval base. 对。海军一定由水面舰艇部队、潜艇部队、海军航空兵、海军陆战队和海军基地组成。
- It is arming vessels with advanced guided missiles and adding more capable aircraft to naval air wings. 中国为军舰配备了先进的制导导弹、并加强了海军的空中作战力量。
- He joined the Royal Naval Air Service as an aircraft mechanic in 1915 after his mother died. 1915年妈妈去世后,他作为一名技师,参加了英国皇家海军空军勤务工作。
- Maine's Brunswick Naval Air station also would lose all of its maritime patrol aircraft and 2,420 jobs. 缅因州的布鲁斯威克海军航空兵基地也将裁减掉它全部海上巡逻机和2,420个职位。
- Information about German U-boat strategy was desperately needed and it was believed that the information could be obtained through drug-influenced interrogations of German naval P.O.W.s, in violation of the Geneva Accords. 关于德国U型艇的战略信息是不顾一切必须得到的,而它相信信息能被得到,通过受到药物影响审讯德国海军战犯,这违反了日内瓦公约。
- As we stood in formation at the Pensacola Naval Air Station, our Flight Instructor said, "All right! 朋友,你现在已经开始为即将来临的“08&旅游黄金年&”做准备了吗?