- The move welcomed by German Chancellor Angela Merkel. 此举受到德国总理默克尔欢迎。
- The German Chancellor is supportive of the regulation of financial markets. 德国总理赞成调节金融市场。
- Russian President Yeltsin and German Chancellor Kohl chaired the troop withdrawal ceremony and delivered speeches. 俄罗斯总统叶利钦和德国总理科尔出席撤军仪式并发表了讲话。
- Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel held a joint press conference before their working dinner. 在工作餐之前,萨尔科齐与德国总理安琪拉·默克尔举行了联合记者招待会。
- From his awkward groping of German Chancellor Angela Merkel to his bizarre, sexually charged relationship with Condoleezza Rice, Bush is criminally awkward around women. 从布什笨笨地给德国总理安格拉。默克尔按摩,到那些讲他与国务卿莱斯暧昧之情的闲言碎语,都说明布什对女人的这种笨拙简直是犯罪。
- Nicolas Sarkozy, the French president, and Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, have both issued warnings. 法国总统尼古拉斯.;萨尔科夫和德国首相默克尔都发出了警告。
- German chancellor Angela Merkel is familiar with Cold War diplomacy, but on Wednesday she had her first encounter with Cool Biz diplomacy. 德国总理安格拉?默克尔十分熟悉“冷战”外交,但本周三,她却首次遭遇了“清凉商务”外交。
- German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder drinks beer in Gelsenkirchen, western Germany July 14, 2004. 图为德国总理施罗德在痛饮啤酒。
- On Wednesday, Mr. Bush discussed different aspects of the Iran crisis with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. 星期三布什总统和德国总理默克尔从不同角度讨论了伊朗危机。
- Mrs Merkel is only the second German chancellor to address Congress since Konrad Adenauer in 1957. 默克尔是第二位的德国总理康拉德阿登纳处理自1957年美国国会。
- German Chancellor Angela Merkel has already announced she will not attend the opening ceremonies. 德国总理默克尔已经宣布她不会参加开幕式。
- Joachim Sauer, the low-key husband of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, has a tough duty at the Group of Eight summit. 德国总理安吉拉·默克尔的丈夫尤沃钦·萨奥尔是个颇为低调的人,可在即将召开的八国集团首脑峰会上,他却有一个艰巨的任务。
- German Chancellor Merkel encourages greater cooperation between Russia and Germany. 德国总理默克尔鼓励扩大俄罗斯和德国双方的合作。
- While the French leader often greets German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder with a hug, Blair just receives a handshake. 法国领导人经常用拥抱来问候德国总理施罗德,而和布莱尔,只是握手而已。
- Germen German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, has suggested targeted aid for a few countries instead. 德国总理安吉拉默克尔建议给少数国家提供援助。
- German Chancellor Angela Merkel will not be there either, while French President Nicolas Sarkozy is considering staying away. 德国总理默克尔也不会出席,与此通知,法国总统尼科尔萨克奇也在考虑放弃出席。
- The German Chancellor of West Germany, Willy Brandt (far left), meets with Leonid Brezhnev (far right), First Secretary of the Communist Party. 1971年,西德总理布兰特和苏共总书记博列兹涅夫会谈,有报导说当时会议室烟雾缭绕,二人醉眼醺醺。
- German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder has led a commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the liberation of the Nazis Buchenwald death camp. 德国总理格哈特-施罗德主持了纳粹布痕瓦尔德集中营解放60周年的纪念活动。
- German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who hosted the summit, said all financial markets, products and participants that pose a major risk must be regulated. 德国总理默克尔主持了这次峰会;她说应当对所有金融市场;产品和可能导致主要危险的参与者进行规范.
- German Chancellor Angela Merkel has met with a Chinese Catholic bishop in Shanghai on the final day of her visit to China. 德国总理默克尔在访问中国的最后一天,在上海会见了一名中国天主教主教。