- Ger Qulu 格尔朝鲁,位于中国内蒙古自治区
- Mon- key, ti- ger, money and ti- ger. 猴子,老虎,猴子和老虎。
- I'm sorry, I didn't ger your name. 对不起,我没听清你的名字。
- Ger on the question of holidays. 关於放假的问题,我要去探探经理的口风。
- We leave earlier in order to ger there before dark. 为了在天黑前到达;我们早早地动了身.
- Beijing sation is near, please prepare to ger off. 前面即将到达北京路站;到站的旅客请准备下车.
- Anna:Well,you could ger a paet-time jod. 那么,你可以去做兼职。
- They advised him not to ger mixed up with such people. 他们劝他不要和这种人搞在一起。
- GER will wait to build forts till he has all the fort bonus techs. 德国将会在得到所有建筑工业科技后再修建地堡。
- One of ger friends found out that she wasn't my only one . 她的朋友发现,她并不是我的唯一。
- Helli:Wow,that's a really cute necklace.Where did you ger it trom? 哇;项链真漂亮.;你是在哪里买的呢?
- You'd better leave at once if you want to ger there on time. 你要想准时到达那里就最好马上走.
- Most of youger eager to ger rid of their parents' control. 大部分的年轻人都渴望脱离父母的控制。
- She ger ua eatly morning.She often goes to school by bus. 在一切要素中,胸怀是第一位,或者也可以说宽容是第一位的。
- The house burnt down bat the soldiers managed to ger all the occupants out. 那幢房屋烧毁了,但是战士们把里面所有的人都救出来了。
- The little girl asked ger father whether she should go to the party or not. 女孩问父亲她应不应该参加这个晚会。
- I guess it comes down to a simple choice:get busy living or ger busy diying. 生命可以归结为一种简单的选择:要么忙于生活;要么赶着去死.
- Before i agree ger to cooperate with us ,we should take her expirences first. 我们同意她来跟我们合伙前先得考虑她过去的经历。
- And they think they can become better mothers if they ger more sleeo. 同时,她们认为如果她们得到长点的睡眠的话,她们会是个更好的妈妈。
- Its like a man's body with a cute ger's face.. kind of a like shemale !! 哦妈呀!好好的一个美女怎么变成这样...大家有人知道她的名字吗???