- There are many anecdotes about George Bush. 有很多关于布什的有趣的故事。
- George Bush denied he was in the loop regarding the Irangate scandal. 乔治•布希否认他是伊朗军售案的主宰人物之一。
- Palestine: George Bush fait un geste. 法语新闻:乔治。布什作客。
- The world as seen by George Bush. 乔治·布什眼中的世界。
- Thereare many anecdotes about George Bush. 关於布希的许多有趣的故事。
- Dukakis and George Bush are responsible. 其所以如此,杜卡基斯与布什都有责任。
- What does George Bush becoming president signify? 小布希当选总统意味著什麽?
- George Bush was never likely to be a party-pooper. 乔治.;布什是肯定会来凑这个热闹的。
- There are some satisfying swipes at George Bush. 还有对布什总统诙谐批评。
- Palestine: George Bush fait un geste... 法语新闻:乔治。布什作客。。。
- George Bush dens he is in the loop regarding the irangate scandal. 乔治·布希否认他是伊朗军售案的主宰人物之一。
- The best known president in the world is George Bush. 世界上最知名的总统是乔治布什。
- Already George Bush is suggesting that Mr.Dukakis is just another Democratic liberal in the Mondale mold. The charge doesn't really hold water ... 布什已在暗示杜卡基斯与蒙代尔如出一辙,也是一个民主党自由分子。此一指控实际上是站不住的 ... 。
- M: What do you think of the brand new book by George Bush? 你对布什的那本新书怎么看?
- Former US President, George Bush, visited Sang with his wife. 美国前总统布什及夫人看望桑兰。
- Speaking correct English is beyond George Bush's capability. 说正确的英语是乔治。布什力所不能及的。
- I have to say George Bush is the most important person right now. 当前的风云人物非乔治·布什莫属。
- George Bush has gone a little too far in his foreign policy. 乔治。布什的外交政策有点过火。
- George Bush's entire economic team heads to China. Why? 为何整个布什经济小组都奔中国而去?
- George Bush has pledged support, but in a perfunctory way. 乔治?什已承诺支持,却是以敷衍的方式。