- Objective To investigate the therapeutic effect of acupuncture on M oroccan genual osteoarthritis. 目的观察针灸治疗膝骨关节炎的疗效。
- Objective: To observe the prospective efficacy of treatment of genual osteoarthritis with acupotome and research on its mechanism. 目的:观察针刀治疗膝骨性关节炎的远期疗效并探讨其机制。
- Discussion on the diagnosis and treatment of genual osteoarthritis 膝关节骨性关节炎诊治探讨
- Treatment of genual osteoarthritis by unblocking acupuncture method 通督针法治疗膝骨性关节炎
- Observation on Prospective Efficacy of Treating 30 Cases of Genual Osteoarthritis with Acupotome 针刀治疗膝骨性关节炎30例远期疗效观察
- Observations on the Efficacy of External Application of Herbal Medicine as a Main Treatment for Genual Osteoarthritis 中药外敷为主治疗膝骨关节炎疗效观察
- Observations on treatment of genual osteoarthritis by straight point-through-point acupuncture 透刺法治疗膝骨关节炎疗效观察
- Abdominal acupuncture combined with needling local points for treatment of genual osteoarthritis 腹针配合局部取穴治疗膝骨关节炎疗效观察
- Analysis of the Efficacy of Four-step Acupuncture and Medicine Therapy for Genual Osteoarthritis 四步针药疗法治疗膝骨性关节炎疗效分析
- Clinical Observations On Treatment of Genual Osteoarthritis by Acupuncture plus Massotherapy 针刺配合推拿治疗膝骨关节炎的临床观察
- Keywords Genual osteoarthritis;Combined use of acupuncture and medicine;Blood-letting puncture therapy;Cupping; 膝骨性关节炎;针药并用;刺血疗法;拔罐;
- Keywords Acupuncture;Chinese herbs plus frequency sepectrograp irradiation;Genual osteoarthritis; 针灸疗法;中药外敷;频谱照射;骨关节炎;
- Clinical Observations on the Treatment of Genual Osteoarthritis by Electroacupuncture and Moxibustion Plus Chinese Medicine 电温针配合中药治疗膝骨关节炎临床观察
- Keywords Osteoarthritis;Primary genual osteoarthritis;Indirect moxibustion;Aconite cake-separated moxibustion;Liver-kidney depletion type; 骨关节炎;间接灸;隔附子饼灸;肝肾不足型;
- Genual osteoarthritis 骨关节炎,膝
- Generation II USA, Inc. - osteoarthritis bracing. 骨关节炎支撑疗法。
- I think you have osteoarthritis. 我认为您得了骨关节炎。
- Skin Patch for Knee Osteoarthritis Pain? 治疗膝盖关节炎疼痛的皮肤贴片?
- The primary diagnosis was predominantly osteoarthritis (96%). 骨性关节炎为主要诊断(96%25)。
- Osteoarthritis is due to wear and tear with loss of articular cartilage. 骨关节炎源于关节软骨的磨损破坏甚至丧失。