- Genji Keita 源氏鸡太(1912-),日本人,小说家。
- Today is KEITA's birthday!KEITA,happy birthday! (今天是庆太的生日!庆太,生日快乐!)
- In 1970, Keita won the Ballon d'or Africain. 在1970年,凯塔赢得了金球奖或非洲。
- Loving you, Keita......And love you never and ever.... 刚炼;很不错的哦...偶也蛮喜欢的呀.....
- His cousin Sidi Yaya Keita has also been capped for Mali. 他的表妹克西迪亚雅凯塔也被限制为马里。
- The novel tells the life "story of Genji" by this prophecy and its realization. 小说通过这一预言及实现的展开来描述源氏的一生。
- Keita Bocoum shelves, flower Georgia, is the traditional Chinese furnishings. 比如博古架、花格,是中国传统的室内陈设。
- Press freedom, of course, goes hand in hand with political crisis," said Keita. 当然,新闻自由和政治危机息息相关。”
- Genji is attracted to Fujitsubo, one of his father's consorts, because of her resemblance to his dead mother. 父皇的妃子藤壶女御酷似源氏的生母,为源氏喜爱。
- The “dazzlingly lovely” Genji, son of the emperor and one of his lower-grade consorts, is irresistible to women. 一个地位低下的妃子受皇上临幸,产下源氏,“俊美可喜”,迷倒众生。
- Yet “The Tale of Genji” is in every way Japan's equivalent of Homer's “Iliad”. 1008年末,这部小说首次以日记出现,距今一千年整。
- Salif Keita (born December 8, 1946 in Bamako) is a former Malian football player. 萨利夫凯塔(生于1946年12月8号在巴马科)是前马里足球运动员。
- However, the second goal came on 67 minutes when Keita combined well with Bodmer before steering home a low shot. 但是,第67分钟又进球了,凯塔同博德梅尔德配合一个低射破门。
- Analyzing with the achievements of Freud's psychological study, we can find there are profound psychological motivations behind Genji's carnalism. 源氏的寻花问柳行为背后深刻的心理动力机制是弗洛伊德的精神分析学说所揭示的恋母情结。
- And others did not fit into our style of play, such as Kader Keita [bought from Lille]. 其他人不完全适应,比如从里尔过来的凯塔。
- But sleeping with the daughter of the leader of the opposing political faction is one indiscretion too many and Genji is forced into exile. 后与政敌右大臣的女儿关系暧昧,行为不检被流放异地。
- The Old Lady could attempt to lower Keita’s transfer fee by including Tiago Mendes in an exchange deal. 老妇人能通过把蒂亚戈作为交换筹码来降低转会费。
- A line of Genji tea and Genji sweets is already on the market and the CD of a newly composed Genji symphony goes on sale this month. 市场上还推出了一系列的”源氏茶”和”源氏糖”。本月,新创作的源氏交响乐还被制成CD出售。
- Well-liked by children and satisfied with his beloved star gazing, Keita has no interest in the world of politics. 对政治毫无兴趣的启太因为某种缘故先是被推选为议员后来又被推选为总理大臣。小学老师成了总理大臣?
- It was left to Royall Tyler, whose charming and urbane “Genji” came out in 2001, to chart the course between the exuberance and the exactitude of his two predecessors. 轮到罗耶尔?泰勒了。他笔下的那位风度翩翩,温文尔雅的”源氏”于2001年出版。他在前两位译者生气勃勃和循规蹈矩的风格中间开辟出一条自己的道路。