- Some English words have no Chinese equivalents. 有些英文字在中文里没有对应的词。
- Money dominated society as the representation of general equivalence, namely, of the exchangeability of different goods whose uses could not be compared. 货币作为一般等价物的代表,作为其使用价值无法比较的不同商品的可交换性的代表,统治着社会。
- A person who is not in school and who has not received a secondary school diploma or a General Equivalency Diploma (GED). 已经辍学并且没有拿到中学文凭或普通同等学历证书(GED)的人。
- But her vow to help him by getting a law degree posed a daunting challenge for Betty Anne, then living in East Greenwich, R.L., who had only a General Equivalency Diploma. 但是,她发誓要以取得法律学位来拯救哥哥的这种途径对她来说是一个非常严峻的挑战,当时,贝蒂·安妮住在罗得岛的东格林威治,只有普通同等学历证书。
- Shorter words are seen constantly edging away their longer equivalents. 短小的词逐渐取代长的同义词是常见的现象。
- Some employers also sponsor programs for employees and their family members to aid them in obtaining general equivalency diplomas. 一些雇主也资助雇员和他们的家人,帮助他们获得普通同等学历。
- Overall, the silane treatment provides a lower-cost composite with physical properties generally equivalent or superior to the base resin. 总的来看,硅烷处理提供了一种低成本复合材料,其物理性能一般相当于或者优于基体树脂。
- This paper gives a general equivalent infinitesimal of trigonometric functions,and utilizes the equivalentinfinitesimal to make questions become easy. 给出了三角函数的一般形式的等价无穷小,并利用等价无穷小,来简化求极限时繁琐的步骤。
- But her vow to help him by getting a law degree posed a daunting challenge for Betty Anne,then living in East Greenwich,R.L.,who had only a General Equivalency Diploma. 但是,她发誓要以取得法律学位来拯救哥哥的这种途径对她来说是一个非常严峻的挑战,当时,贝蒂·安妮住在罗得岛的东格林威治,只有普通同等学历证书。
- A generalized equivalent circuit model was developed for both single-tuned and double-tuned radio-frequency(RF) coils for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) systems. 为了解决磁共振成像系统中双调谐射频线圈的设计问题,提出了一个通用等效电路模型。
- U.S. Customary units and their metric equivalents. 美国传统单位和它们的米对应量
- Generic equivalents 仿制药
- There are no equivalents in Visual Basic 2005. 在Visual Basic 2005中没有等效项。
- Some Japanese words have no English equivalents. 一些日语单词在英语中没有对应词。
- The spectacle is the developed modern complement of money where the totality of the commodity world appears as a whole, as a general equivalence for what the entire society can be and can do. 当商品世界的总体表现为一个整体的时候,景观作为整个社会所能成为和所能做的东西的一般等价物,便成为货币的发展了的现代补充物。
- Since almost every application that uses XML runs documents through a parser on input, and many generate equivalent streams of parse events for output documents, this seemed a fair choice. 因为基本上每个使用XML的应用程序都在输入端使用解析器读入文档,并且很多都在输出文档中生成等价的解析事件流,这种选择似乎比较公正。
- Some American words have no British equivalents. 一些美语单词在英式英语中没有对应词。
- Implication is a more generic notion. 蕴涵是更为一般的概念。
- The generic term for wine, spirits and beer is alcoholic beverages'. 葡萄洒、 烈性洒、 啤酒的通称是酒类饮料。
- The continental beds are as thick as their marine time equivalents. 陆相地层与其时代相同的海相地层具有一样的厚度。