- You can choose from the "generic top level domains" ("gTLDs"), such as. Com,. Net,. Org and. Info. 也可以从诸如.;com、
- Generic Top Level Domain 通用顶级域名
- TLD The TLD is the top level domain. 第一层领域第一层领域是最高的水平领域。
- VN domain name is the ccTLD (country-code Top Level Domain) for Vietnam. VN域名是越南国家顶级代码域。
- Maybe the top level domain country code helps identifying the language. Check the IANA list for details. 也许,顶层域国家代码帮助识别语言。为细节检查IANA表。
- ICANN will receive 100+ new top level domain (TLD) applications in the first wave but will receive twice that many before the end of 2008. 在2008年-ICANN第一波将会收到100以上新的顶级域名(TLD的)的申请;年底前的申请案将会更多.
- Registrations for the .me top level domain started yesterday afternoon, giving users a new crack at getting a personalised web address. 注册为。我顶级域名开始,昨天下午,给用户提供一种新的裂缝越来越个性化的网络地址。
- So it seems... we do list countries and regions that have their own top level domain so East Timor should be added to the list. 您正在阅读嘻哈生活,世界第一大国际社区网站!点击这里注册现在就加入我们!
- You can also register your domain name under a "country code top level domain" ("ccTLD"), for example,. Bn for Bulgaria,. Cn for China,. Ch for Switzerland. 你还可以根据"国家代码顶级域"("ccTLD")注册你的域名;例如保加利亚为.;bn;中国为
- This is to certify that denhao has registered the domain name lamster.net and the registration has taken effect since it was put on records in the database of gTLD(global Top Level Domain) in ICANN. 本证书并不做为其他证明文件之用!
- This is to certify that XLD has registered the domain name syxldnet.com and the registration has taken effect since it was put on records in the database of gTLD(global Top Level Domain) in ICANN. 本证书并不做为其他证明文件之用!
- This is to certify that lin rong has registered the domain name rlxw.com and the registration has taken effect since it was put on records in the database of gTLD(global Top Level Domain) in ICANN. 本证书并不做为其他证明文件之用!
- This is to certify that liguoqin has registered the domain name xfcxjz.com and the registration has taken effect since it was put on records in the database of gTLD(global Top Level Domain) in ICANN. 本证书仅用于证明该域名是通过北京新网数码信息技术有限公司注册,且证书信息为当时域名信息。
- This is to certify that jinweiping has registered the domain name 238cp.com and the registration has taken effect since it was put on records in the database of gTLD(global Top Level Domain) in ICANN. 本证书并不做为其他证明文件之用!
- This is to certify that chenhailong has registered the domain name 97cp.com and the registration has taken effect since it was put on records in the database of gTLD(global Top Level Domain) in ICANN. 本证书并不做为其他证明文件之用!
- This is to certify that jinweiping has registered the domain name 85cpw.com and the registration has taken effect since it was put on records in the database of gTLD(global Top Level Domain) in ICANN. 本证书并不做为其他证明文件之用!
- Company domain names may be registered in any number of "top level domains" called "TLDs". 可采用被称之为"TLDs"的"顶级域"中的任何数字注册公司域名。
- Or you can choose from the specialized and restricted top level domains if you qualify (e. G.. Aero for air travel and transport businesses, or. Biz for commercial enterprises). 如果符合条件;或许你能够从专用和限定的顶级域名中选择(例如;用于航空旅行和空运业的.;aero;或者用于商业企业的
- CcTLD - country code Top Level Domain 国家及地区顶级域