- Generalization risk model 广义风险模型
- Application of Martingale In The Ruin Probability of a Generalized Risk Model 鞅在一类推广后风险模型破产概率中的应用
- We present a risk model with Poisson and Erlang (n) processes. 三.;引入一类具有Poisson过程和Erlang(n)过程的风险模型。
- This dissertion mainly study the Erlang(2) risk model perturbed by diffusion . 本学位论文主要研究带干扰的Erlang(2)风险模型。 讨论了破产前瞬间赢余分布,破产时赤字分布,以及破产前瞬间赢余和破产时赤字的联合分布等几个重要的量。
- Sparre Andersen risk model is put forward based on the classic risk model by E. Sparre Andersen风险模型是由E.
- Objective: To study a bivariate risk model with variable premium rate. 目的研究一类可变保费的双险种风险模型。
- The general risk his whole campaign on the outcome of one battle. 将军孤注一掷,把整个战役的成败押在一场战斗上。
- Ruin probability, Multivariate compound Poisson risk model, Phase-type distribution, Association. 关键词:破产概率,多变量复合。
- Whether or not a bond is required will be assessed on generic risk factors. 是否需要支付保证金将取决于对风险因素的评估,按照不同国家和行业划分风险程度等级。
- The classical risk model and the Sparre Andersen model are introduced in the second one. 第二章介绍了经典风险模型及Sparre Andersen模型;
- For Sparre Andersen risk model, the discussion about it has been become more and more perfect. Yin(2002)将风险模型推广到一般的Erlang(n)风险模型,并证明了罚金折现期望满足一高阶的积分-微分方程。
- Modern audit risk model is a tool to provide guid-ance on audit practices through modern risk-orientedaudit theory. 现代审计风险模型是应用现代风险导向审计理论指导审计实务的工具。
- The general risked his whole campaign on the outcome of one battle. 将军孤注一掷,把整个战役的成败押在一场战斗上。
- This paper studies the deficit distribution at ruin by the distribution class of the claim-size distributions in a risk model with the Markov chain stochastic interest. 摘要应用损失赔付额分布函数的分布类的特性,在假设随机利率服从马尔可夫链的条件下,研究了风险模型中破产时刻赤字的分布函数和界值。
- Yuen, etc. and Shuanming Li etc. respectively in a risk model with Poisson and Erlang (2) processes and in the Erlang (n) risk model. Yuen,Junyi Guo和Xueyuan Wu研究的一类具有Poisson过程和Erlang(2)过程的风险模型下的相关结果的推广,也是Shuanming Li和Jose Garrido研究的Erlang(n)风险模型下的相关结果的推广。
- In Chapter 1, we consider a Sparre Andersen risk model in which the inter-claim times are the generalized Erlang(n) distribution. 在第一章中,我们主要讨论了索赔时间间隔为广义Erlang(n)分布的Sparre Andersen风险模型。
- Governance, compliance, and general risk reduction is a different quantifiable benefit than increased business agility. 治理、适应性和风险降低是可以计量的好处。
- Considering the ruin problems under the discrete time insurance risk model with interest, we proof the surplus is Markov chain. 本文讨论了固定利率下的离散风险模型,首先证明了资产盈余构成一个齐次马尔科夫链,并给出了其转移概率。
- At last we obtain the supremum estimation of the finite time ruin probability and the infinite time ruin probability in the third new risk model. 对第三类风险模型进行研究,得到了有限时间破产概率和终极时间破产概率的上界估计。
- Although managerial risk behavior in specific situations is difficult to predict, it is possible to determine generalized risk propensity. 研究的价值本研究证明了,尽管在特殊条件下管理者的风险行为难以预测,但总的风险倾向是可以测定的。