- On the basic concept for gold mine's general plan design 黄金矿山总图运输设计的基本思路
- General Plan Design of Lubricating Oil Refined with Clay 润滑油白土精制工程总图设计
- Application of general plan design of transportation in over-mode plant revamp project in industrial enterprises 总图运输设计在工业企业老厂改造中的运用
- Let's begin by look at the general plan of this project. 我们来着手看看这项工程总的计划吧。
- Relation between Ecology Environment Shaping and General Plan Designing 塑造生态环境与总平面设计的关系
- General planning design 总体规划设计
- general plan design 总平面设计
- Then will you like us to draw up general plan and specification ? 那么你们是否希望我们拟好大致计划和规格吗?
- Once the required JMeter components were identified and a general test plan design conceived, the test scripts had to be built. 一旦已经确定所需的JMeter组件并且已经构思好一个通用的测试计划设计,就必须构建测试脚本了。
- Let's begin by looking at the general plan of this project. 我们来着手看看这项工程总的计划吧。
- Environment Landscape planning Design of the TBEA HENGYANG Transformer Ltd. 特变电工衡阳变压器有限公司环境景观设计构思。
- Let 's begin to look at the general plan of this project. 我们来着手看看这项工程总的计划吧。
- The general planned a campaign to capture the city. 将军制定了夺取该城市的战役计划。
- To the plan design surface in order to define the tasks that will be performed. 中的任务流元素拖放到计划设计图面,以便定义将要执行的任务。
- Then will you like us to draw up general plan and specification? 那么你们是否希望我们拟好大致计划和规格吗?
- In the design of EAS system, we describe the general plan and the main problems to be solved, and make specific explanation on each function mode. 在EAS系统设计方案中,描述了系统总体方案和需要解决的企业主要问题;
- Then would you like us to draw up general plans and specifications? 那么你们是否希望我们拟妥大致计划和规格呢?
- Planning design will be assigned Guangzhou IDEALONG advertising design, you can go to Happy! 将策划设计之任务交给广州IDEALONG广告设计,您就可以去逍遥了!
- GOM welcomes architect and planning designers who enjoy the design to join! 高目这个不大的团队诚邀“享受设计”的建筑师和规划师加盟。