- Gekko kikuchiin. 兰屿壁虎
- The folliculogenesis in Gekko swinhonis was observed by light microscope. 用光镜观察了无蹼壁虎卵泡发育过程。
- The egg parasitic rate of wasps. on Dendrolimus kikuchii is obviously higer than on D.punctatus(Walker). 思茅松毛虫的卵寄生率明显高于马尾松毛虫,主要是个体大、寄生力强的平腹小蜂和金小蜂的寄生量大。
- Investigation was made on the occurrence environment of Dendrolimus kikuchii in Pinus elliottii on the lower and middle hills. 摘要文章对思茅松毛虫在中低丘陵湿地松林的发生环境作了简单调查;
- The mitochondrial gene components and gene arrangement of tokay (Gekko gecko) are typical for vertebrates. 大壁虎线粒体基因组成和排列顺序为典型的脊椎动物线粒体组成。
- So the thesis investigates the tectum of Gekko gecko and Eumeces chinensis (Gray), and the fiber. 它们的行为均高度依赖视觉,其视觉系统包括离顶盖通路、离丘脑通路和副视系统。
- Investigation was made on the occurrence environment of Dendrolimus kikuchii in Pinus(elliottii) on the lower and middle hills. 文章对思茅松毛虫在中低丘陵湿地松林的发生环境作了简单调查;初步划分了危害类型,分析了成灾原因。
- Definition: Tokay Gecko is the dried body of Gekko gecko Linnaeus (Fam.Gekkonidae). 本品为壁虎科动物蛤蚧 Gekko gecko Linnaeus 的干燥体。
- Methods:The hemipenis Gekko swinhonis was observed by the method of histology and histochemistry. 方法:用光镜组织学及组织化学对无蹼壁虎半阴茎进行研究;
- The bionomics of Dendrolimus kikuchii was investigated. The reasons of outbreaks were discussed and the control measures of the pest were proposed in the paper. 摘要调查了思茅松毛虫的生物学特性,并对大发生原因进行了分析和探讨,同时提出了对该虫的防治措施。
- Everyone has their reasons, and Gekko State is not about just Holland, Renton, or Eureka. Its about everyone in the team and the ship. 每个人为自己而活,月光洲不仅仅是霍兰德、兰顿、优莱卡的月光洲。在这个团队中,每个人都有他自己的精彩。
- These results indicate that there are some differences between the tectorial structure of nocturnal Gekko gecko and diurnal Eumeces chinensis. 这些结果表明夜行性蛤蚧和昼行性中国石龙子在视觉系统中,其顶盖结构存在差异。
- Gordon Gekko: When I get a hold of the son of a bitch who leaked this, Im gonna tear his eyeballs out and Im gonna suck his ing skull. 戈登:抓到这个狗娘养的泄密人,我要抠出他的眼珠子,然后吸他的脑髓。
- Distribution and morphology of argyrophil cells in the intestine of Gekko japonicus were studied by light microscopy and TEM. 用光镜和电镜对多疣壁虎肠道嗜银细胞的分布及形态做了初步的观察,结果显示,十二指肠嗜银细胞密度最高,大肠次之,空、回肠较低;
- The thesis began with the research on the structure of gecko's brain.After the stereotaxic atlas of the Gekko gecko was constructed, the basic structure of the brain is studied. 本文首先研究了大壁虎脑部的结构,以及利用壁虎脑切片制作的壁虎脑三维图谱,通过脑三维图谱研究了大壁虎脑部的基本组织结构。
- The important thing is that the issue of saving the world is not resting on Renton and Eureka's shoulders. however important the two may be, there is always somthing the Gekko State can do. 现在我们可以看到,拯救世界并不完全是兰顿和优莱卡的事情,无论他俩在整个事件中占据了多么重要的地位,仍有一些事情是要依靠众人的努力来做成的。
- Conclusion The cytoarchitectural differences between the layers, the areas of anterior dorsal ventricular in Gekko gecko may be related in the different function in these layers and areas. 结论蛤蚧端脑前背侧室嵴各区及各层细胞形态大小有差异,这可能与各区各层的功能有关。
- The important thing is that the issue of saving the world isn't resting on Renton and Eureka's shoulders. however important the two may be, there is always somthing the Gekko State can do. 现在我们可以看到,拯救世界并不完全是兰顿和优莱卡的事情,无论他俩在整个事件中占据了多么重要的地位,仍有一些事情是要依靠众人的努力来做成的。
- The important thing is that the issue of saving the world isn't resting on Renton and Eureka's shoulders. however important the two may be. there is always somthing the Gekko State can do. 现在我们可以看到.;拯救世界并不完全是兰顿和优莱卡的事情
- By comparing the cell form and the cell in each zone of Gekko gecko with Eumeces chinensis, the differences of optic structure between two animals with different behaviour were studied. 通过对蛤蚧与中国石龙子顶盖细胞形态及细胞在顶盖不同层次间的比较,研究两种不同习性动物视觉结构之间的差异。