- The mitochondrial gene components and gene arrangement of tokay (Gekko gecko) are typical for vertebrates. 大壁虎线粒体基因组成和排列顺序为典型的脊椎动物线粒体组成。
- So the thesis investigates the tectum of Gekko gecko and Eumeces chinensis (Gray), and the fiber. 它们的行为均高度依赖视觉,其视觉系统包括离顶盖通路、离丘脑通路和副视系统。
- Definition: Tokay Gecko is the dried body of Gekko gecko Linnaeus (Fam.Gekkonidae). 本品为壁虎科动物蛤蚧 Gekko gecko Linnaeus 的干燥体。
- These results indicate that there are some differences between the tectorial structure of nocturnal Gekko gecko and diurnal Eumeces chinensis. 这些结果表明夜行性蛤蚧和昼行性中国石龙子在视觉系统中,其顶盖结构存在差异。
- The thesis began with the research on the structure of gecko's brain.After the stereotaxic atlas of the Gekko gecko was constructed, the basic structure of the brain is studied. 本文首先研究了大壁虎脑部的结构,以及利用壁虎脑切片制作的壁虎脑三维图谱,通过脑三维图谱研究了大壁虎脑部的基本组织结构。
- Conclusion The cytoarchitectural differences between the layers, the areas of anterior dorsal ventricular in Gekko gecko may be related in the different function in these layers and areas. 结论蛤蚧端脑前背侧室嵴各区及各层细胞形态大小有差异,这可能与各区各层的功能有关。
- By comparing the cell form and the cell in each zone of Gekko gecko with Eumeces chinensis, the differences of optic structure between two animals with different behaviour were studied. 通过对蛤蚧与中国石龙子顶盖细胞形态及细胞在顶盖不同层次间的比较,研究两种不同习性动物视觉结构之间的差异。
- Effect of temperature on the hatch phase of Gekko gecko 温度对蛤蚧孵化期影响的研究
- Gekko gecko Linnaeus and the diagnosis of the bogus drugs 蛤蚧及其常见伪品的鉴别
- Study on the cure method of toe abscess disease of Gekko gecko 治疗蛤蚧脚趾脓肿方法的研究
- A quantitative research on Gekko gecko's appendicular muscle 大壁虎附肢肌的定量研究
- Genetic Variation and Differentiation of Gekko gecko from Different Population 大壁虎不同地理居群的遗传变异与分化
- Keywords Pallial thickening;Three-dimensional reconstruction;Gekko gecko; 皮质加厚区;三维重建;蛤蚧;
- The Structure of Nucleus Lentiformis Mesencephali and its Fiber Connection with Anterior Tectum in Lizard Gekko gecko 蛤蚧豆状核的结构及其与顶盖前端的纤维联系
- RAPD Analysis on Genetic Divergence and Phylogenesis of Gekko gecko from Different Areas 不同地理区域蛤蚧的RAPD分析
- Comparison of the setae between the dung beetle Copris ochus and the gecko Gekko gecko and the effects of deformation on their functions 蜣螂与壁虎刚毛的比较及改形对其功能的影响
- Maybe a little frog on my hip, or a gecko. 也许在臀部刺一只小青蛙还是壁虎什么的。
- The Gecko and Lizard Kingdoms greets you today. 壁虎与蜥蜴王国今天向你们问候。
- No Harold, No Gecko, No cockroaches, nothing. 没有霍华德、有壁虎、有蟑螂,什么都没有。
- Gecko: Oh, my God! Where is my tail? 哦!天哪!我的尾巴哪儿去了?