- Gaussian mixed model 高斯混合模型
- Gaussian mixed models 语音分段
- The Reuters wire service also uses a mixed model in its Web offerings. 路透社在网络服务中也采用这种模式。
- Mix model beriberi has the much neuritis that send a gender already, have heart failure and oedema again. 混合型脚气病既有多发性神经炎,又有心力衰竭和水肿。
- In this mixed model, subscribers pay a fee and accept some level of advertising. 在这种混合模式,订购者为了得到一些级别的广告需要付出相应的费用。
- This restrict conditions is slackening, and it is good for scheduling of mixed model of period and no-period task. 这种约束条件放松,有利于周期与非周期任务混合模型调度。
- My skin is not very smooth. Those who do not have burnish the sort of. It is to belong to mix model the skin, what good method can be solved? ? 我的皮肤不是很光滑。没有光泽的那种。是属于混合型皮肤,有什么好方法可以解决??
- The linear mixed model for longitudinal data proposed by Laird and Ware is studied. 摘要考虑纵向数据的一般线性混合效应模型。
- The forecast evaluation of Yitonghe river is conducted with river complete mix model in small river forecast model of surface water environment evaluation forecast guide. 采用地面水环境影响评价预测导则中的“小河预测模式中的河流完全混合模式”对伊通河进行水质预测评价。
- The FI-VDR mixed model shows that the road is clear and the vehicular flow increases,and describes the complex nonlinear phenomena of the traffic. 结果表明,FI-VDR的混合模型更能反映道路畅通、车流增大及描述交通流的复杂非线性现象。
- Conclusion Linear mixed model is an effective way to cope with occupational stress data with hierarchical structural character. 结论线性混合效应模型是分析具有系统结构特征的职业紧张资料的有效方法。
- Combining the standers of NPV and PI, a mixed model of capital rationing investment and the rational investment volume are set up in this paper. 应用0-整数规划提出两种分层建模方法.净现值、值指数相结合的综合评价标准,构建企业资本限量投资项目组合优化模型.而确定最优投资项目组合方案和合理投资规模。
- We treat inspection as an endogenous variable and use a mixed model to examine the inspection and pollution regressions simultaneously. 在计量方法上,我们将稽查行动视为是一项内生变数,利用联立模型同时分析政府稽查行动与厂商污染排放之决定。
- The spatial analysis used linear mixed model with spatial covariance for residuals which was estimated using semivariogram defined in geostatistics. 运用地理统计学中的半变异函数法确定剩余误差空间协方差的函数。
- The FI-VDR mixed model shows that the road is clear and the vehicular flow increases, and describes the complex nonlinear phenomena of the traffic flow as well. 结果表明,FI-VDR的混合模型更能反映道路畅通、车流增大及描述交通流的复杂非线性现象。
- The combustion model of clarain in fluidized bed is equidensity shrinking core model, while that of durain is equidiameter one, and that of culm is a mixed model. 亮煤在流化床燃烧中服从等密度燃烧模式, 暗煤服从等直径燃烧模式, 而灰煤则服从混合燃烧模式。
- An iterative procedure is presented for the estimation of variance component s in the mixed model with a numerator relationship matrix from non-balanced data . 摘要 论述的是来自非均衡资料的混合模型中具有亲缘关系矩阵时利用迭代法估计方差组分问 题。
- Moreover fore and aft results is compared and analyzed, and then genetic algorithm is used to optimize multipoint mixing model. 并将遗传算法引入多测点混合模型的优化,比较分析优化前后模型质量的优劣,以及优化后水压调整系数的变化,对反演结果的影响。
- Don't mix up this pair of synonyms. 别把这两个近义词混淆了。
- Mixed models indicated that the differences among INVR scores among the three trimesters were independent of gravidity, planned pregnancy and age. 混合模式分析显示,三个孕期的恶心呕吐及乾呕量表得分变化和孕次、计画怀孕及年龄无关;