- The duplexer acts as a very broad band pass filter during receiving mode and the prearnp is a low noise wide band-width amplifer that is used to amplify the echo signals. 调谐电路对系统共振频率的漂移进行实时调谐,针对以上天线和模拟电路的功能,对天线和模拟电路进行了设计。
- The signal processing system consists of a band pass filter(BPF) with center frequency of 2.856 GHz and bandwidth of 10 MHz,a logarithmic detector,a analog digital converting module,and a data acquisition program based on Labview. 带通滤波器选用中心频率为2.;856 GHz、带宽为10 MHz的腔体滤波器;对数检波模块采用对数放大器AD8313芯片;模数转换模块采用NI公司的PXI-5102;上位机的数据采集程序采用Labview编写。
- By modeling the 2-finger FET into CPW, the on-state millimeter-wave traveling wave switches are equivalent to the step impedance band pass filter and the design procedure is obtained. 因为二指场效电晶体可以等效于共面波导,所以行波切换器的设计就等效于步阶阻抗低通滤波器。有关细部设计流程也包含于本论文中。
- First,a finite impulse respond(FIR) band pass filter is designed based on Chebyshev approximation method,and then the windowed impulse response is used to adjust energy distribution of signal. 本文针对极窄脉冲超宽带自导信号,提出了一种基于滤波器的设计方法,首先按照切比雪夫近似方法设计有限脉冲响应(FIR)带通滤波器,然后将滤波器冲激响应做加窗处理来调节信号能量分布。
- It is used main for ferroelectric , piezoelectricity,electro-optic and nonlinear optical.It is made up the broad frequency band,modulator,high stabeness resonator and band pass filter etc. 主要用于铁电、压电、电光和非线性光学,可制作宽频带、调制器、高稳定性谐振器和带通滤玻器等。
- H-plane T-junction and E-plane transverse iris band pass filters are used in the diplexer structure. 双工器采用H面T接头和E面横向膜片波导带通滤波器。
- Band Pass Filter use for Broadcasting Station 电台专用带通滤波器
- Then, a practical 50 Hz band pass filter is proposed, which is modulated with one cycle Bartlett window and in performances better than the classical filters adopting one cyclic Fourier algorithm. 提出了一种具有实用价值的由一周波三角窗调制实现的50Hz带通滤波器。
- ultra-wideband ( UWB ) band pass filter ( BPF ) 超宽带带通滤波器
- sound surface wave band pass filter 声表面波带通滤波器
- Optimal Design of Fourth-order Band Pass Filter Based on PSpice 基于PSpice的四阶有源带通滤波器的统计优化设计
- Precise design based on Bessel band pass filter and simulations 基于贝塞尔带通滤波器精确设计和仿真
- Design of RC Four-stage Active Band Pass Filters 四阶RC有源带通滤波器的设计
- Design of thin film interference narrow band pass filter used in WDM system 波分复用薄膜干涉窄带滤光片的设计
- A new tuning method of coupling resonator band pass filter in time domain 一种在时域调谐带通滤波器的新方法
- A Design Method for Coaxial Cavity Band Pass Filters 同轴腔带通滤波器的一种设计方法
- Image enhancement in frequency domain using Fourier center frequency, Gaussian lowpass filter, Low pass filter, high pass filter. Image restoration using medean filter, weiner filter with noise genera (译):图像增强的频域利用傅里叶中心频率,高斯低通滤波器,低通滤波器,高通滤波器。
- Band pass filter for status variables and its application for the identification of male and female voices 状态变量带通滤波器及其在男女声识别中的应用
- The band passed and the crowd cheered. 乐队经过时人群欢呼起来
- Application of L-C band pass filter in the low-voltage power line carrier communication L-C带通滤波器在低压电力线载波通信中的应用