- Gauss Optics of Zoom Lenses 变焦距镜头高斯光学设计的新方法
- Mann, A., Infrared Optics and Zoom Lenses, SPIE, Bellingham, pp. 15-18, 1999. 耿继业、何建娃,几何光学,全华科技图书,台北,第226页,2004。
- The diffraction stripe of viscose filament is shot by a camera chain that consists of zoom lens and area array CCD. 采用可调焦镜头和面阵CCD构成的摄像系统,拍摄粘胶长丝衍射图样。
- Based on Gauss optics,the theory of afocal zoom expander is analyzed,a afocal zoom expander is designed and successfully applied. 基于高斯光学理论;分析了无焦连续变倍准直扩束系统的原理;实现了无焦连续变倍准直扩束系统的设计;并得到了验证.
- In the scope of zoom lens, most of researches focus on traditional zoom lens system, which changes the effect focus by moving the lens along optical axis. 中文摘要在变焦镜头的领域中,大都著重于传统式的变焦系统,其变焦方式是让透镜沿著光轴移动而改变整体的有效焦距。
- Display a list of zoom percentages. 显示缩放百分比列表
- image plane displacement of zoom lens 变焦距物镜像面位移
- The Correct Application of Zoom Lens of Camera 正确应用摄像机变焦镜头
- Active focal length output of zoom lens 连续变焦距镜头焦距实时输出问题研究
- F.) led by optics professors Shin-Tson Wu and Hongwen Ren has developed zoom lenses that can be dramatically smaller than conventional zooms. )由吴诗聪与任洪文领导的研究团队开发出一种比传统式变焦镜头小了许多的新型变焦镜头。
- I prefer a built-in zoom lens, like the one I have. 我喜欢如我所有的那种固定式变焦镜头。
- It has a built-in zoom lens as well. 它也有内置的变焦镜头。
- H. Wollnik, Optics of Charged Particle, Academic Press, Inc., 1987. 唐天同,《应用带电粒子光学引论》,西安交通大学出版社,西安,1986。
- I have a camera with a zoom lens. 我有架带有变焦镜头的照相机。
- Optics of calculable, predetermined performance: a demanding task. 1866年,蔡司的第1000台显微镜出厂。
- Z. KNITTL “Optics of Thin Films” Taipei : [s.n.], [c1976]. 李正中“薄膜光学与镀膜技术”艺轩图书出版社;2001.;1;第二版
- Zooms lenses by necessity havemore elements than primes. 因为要变焦,所以变焦镜头的镜片数目比定焦的多。
- Lin Yong Chang:Optics of Thin Film, Coating Techniques, Display Techniques. 林永昌:薄膜光学,薄膜技术,显示技术。
- DO you know how to set the printer in the mold of zoom. 你知道怎么将复印机设定在缩印(放大)模式上吗?