- Gastrointestinal ulcers in patients taking regular security Tesson, often lead to stomach bleeding. 胃肠道溃疡的的患者常服用保泰松,往往会导致胃出血。
- Substantial use of prednisone can cause gastritis and gastrointestinal ulcers, even perforation. 如长期大量服用强的松,即可引起胃炎和胃肠道溃疡,甚至穿孔。
- Taking prednisone in large dosage for long time can cause gastritis, gastrointestinal ulcers, even stomach perforation. 如长期大量服用强的松,即可引起胃炎和胃肠道溃疡,甚至穿孔。
- He eats only bland food because of his ulcer. 他患溃疡,只能吃无刺激性的食物。
- Keywords Gastrointestinal ulcer;Acute gastrointestinal mucosal disease;Nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drugs;Endoscopic expression; 消化道溃疡病;急性胃肠粘膜病变;非甾体类药物;内镜表现;
- The old man has a stomach ulcer. 那个老人得了胃溃疡。
- A bacterium is identified as the cause for his duodenal ulcer. 一种细菌被断定为造成他十二指肠溃疡的根源。
- Gastrointestinal ulcer 胃十二指肠溃疡
- An ulcer located at the initial point of entry of a pathogen. 初疮病原体最初侵入的那点处的溃疡
- A bacterium was identified as the cause for his duodenal ulcer. 一种细菌被断定为造成他十二指肠溃疡的根源。
- An ulcer perforates the duodenal wall. 溃疡使十二指肠壁穿孔。
- Haemorrhage from the peptic ulcer accounts for 85 per cent of instances of massive gastrointestinal bleeding. 消化性溃疡出血占胃肠大出血病例的85%25。
- He has been operated on for his duodenal ulcer . 他已因十二指肠溃疡而作了手术。
- Gastrointestinal symptoms include flatuence. 胃肠道症状包括胃肠气胀。
- A small festering sore or ulcer;a pustule. 脓疤小的疮痛处、溃疡或脓疱
- A watery, acrid discharge from a wound or ulcer. 脓液从伤口溃疡中流出的液体,毒液
- He has been operated on for his duoedenal ulcer. 他已因十二指肠溃疡而作了手术。
- The remaining ulcer is epitheliazed. 遗留的溃疡表皮化了。
- Hemobilia is manifested by upper gastrointestinal bleeding. 胆道出血表现为上消化道出血。
- How is the outcome of my bleeding ulcer? 我的出血性溃疡会有什么结果呢?