- Gastrointestinal dyskinesis 胃肠动力障碍
- Gastrointestinal symptoms include flatuence. 胃肠道症状包括胃肠气胀。
- Hemobilia is manifested by upper gastrointestinal bleeding. 胆道出血表现为上消化道出血。
- The infection route may have been the gastrointestinal tract. 感染源可能是来自肠胃道。
- A typing technique for gastrointestinal polyp was preferred. 并提出了一种息肉分型方法。
- Acute ulcerations were responsible for significant gastrointestinal bleeding. 急性溃疡形成是显著的胃肠出血的起因。
- Modern medicine believed that the pathogenesis of DGP mainly related to the gastric dyskinesis, functional disorder of gastrointestine, hyperglycemia, autonomic nerve dysfunction, secretory disorder of gastrointestinal hormone. 现代医学认为,本病的发病机制主要与胃动力障碍、胃肠功能紊乱、高血糖、自主神经功能障碍、胃肠激素分泌异常等方面有密切关系。 目前国内外对本病的研究,多集中在胃肠动力异常改变、血糖浓度变化、自主神经功能障碍以及胃肠激素分泌异常等方面对本病发病影响的探讨。
- Lipoma of the gastrointestinal tract most commonly occurs in the colon. 摘要脂肪瘤是一种不常见的胃肠道病变,最常出现在大肠。
- In some cases of severe obesity, gastrointestinal surgery may be recommended. 某些严重的肥胖症,可以推荐做胃肠道外科手术。
- Burdock Root soothes the gastrointestinal tract &improves digestion. 牛蒡可舒缓肠胃不适及改善消化。
- For orlistat, steatorrhea produces the principal gastrointestinal side effects. 对奥利司他而言,脂肪痢是主要的胃肠道副反应。
- Gastrointestinal cancer is uncommon in dogs. The most common type is lymphoma. 消化道癌在犬类中不常见.;最常见的种类是淋巴瘤
- Concomitant gastrointestinal infections may have played a role in pathogenesis. 致病机转可能与并发其他胃肠感染伤害到肠黏膜有关。
- Purpose To research the clinic value of digital gastrointestinal series. 目的:探讨数字化胃肠造影的临床应用价值。
- Colon carcinoma is one of the common malignant tumor in gastrointestinal tract. 结肠癌是胃肠道常见的恶性肿瘤之一。
- Systemic amyloidosis involving the gastrointestinal tract is not infrequent. 摘要全身性类淀粉病偶尔可侵犯胃肠管道。
- A 35-year-old male was admitted with upper gastrointestinal (UGI) bleeding. 摘要肝细胞癌是一种常见且高度恶性的肿瘤,常有转移之发现。
- Mr. Leo is admitted to the gastrointestinal ward. His hemoglobin is low. 利奥先生被允许转入肠胃科病房。他的血红素偏低。
- Objective To study the clinical use of electrogastrogram in patients with liver diseases accompanied by gastric dyskinesis. 目的研究胃电图在伴有胃动力障碍的肝病患者中应用的临床意义。
- Results:The regional dyskinesis did exist extensively in injured myocardial conditions and was not the special term for aneyurism.The ... 结果:心室壁的矛盾运动不是室壁瘤的专用术语,室壁张力极度低下是形成矛盾运动的内在原因。