- Abnormal gastric secretion regulation 胃液分泌异常调节
- Normal gastric secretion regulation 胃液分泌正常调节
- Gastric secretion regulation 胃液分泌调节
- Gastric secretion is reduced in volume and total acid content. 胃分泌的容量和总酸度降低。
- Concept of gastrointestinal hormones; Innervation of diestive system; Gastric emptying and it's regulation; The secretion regulation of gastric juice, pancreatic juice, bile and small intestine fluid. 胃肠激素的概念;消化系统的神经支配;胃排空及其调节;胃液、胰液、胆汁和小肠液分泌的调节。
- Cuttlebones are used to inhibit gastric secretion and to promote the healing of wounds in TCM. 以乌贼骨入药有制止胃酸分泌及帮助伤口愈合的功效。
- HCl, fat, and hypertonic solutions are three important factors that inhibit gastric secretion in the GI tract. 盐酸、脂肪和高张溶液是胃肠腔内抑制胃液分泌的三个重要因素。
- To master the functions of insulin and glucagons, and understand their secretion regulation. 掌握胰岛素和胰高血糖素的作用,了解其分泌调节。
- Objective To observe the influence of Yuejubaohe Pills on gastroenteric movement and gastric secretion in experimental animals. 目的观察越鞠保和丸对实验动物胃肠运动、胃分泌的影响。
- Physiological function and secretion regulation of glucagons and hormones regulating calcium metabolism. 胰高血糖素和调节钙代谢激素的生理作用及分泌的调节。
- Absence of hydrochloric acid in the gastric secretions of the stomach. 胃酸缺乏的
- To investigated the effect of Hongpaoweian Capsules on gastric secretion, gastric acidity, pepsase activity, gastric mucosal blood flow, the volum of gastric wall mucus and free gastric mucus in rats. 摘要研究观察中药复方制剂“红袍胃安胶囊”对大白鼠胃液分泌、胃液酸度、胃蛋白酶活性、胃黏膜血流量以及胃游离黏液量、胃壁黏液量的影响。
- Bloat occurs when gas or food or gastric secretions fill the stomach and the stomach visibly enlarges or distends. 当气体,食物或者胃的分泌物充满胃的时候,胃就会有可视性的膨胀或者扩大,这就会发生胃涨气。
- Acabose has the effect of reducing postprandial insulin secretion,regulating blood-fat and losing body weight,thus is more suitable to obese type2diabetics. 瑞格列奈降空腹血糖的作用优于阿卡波糖,而阿卡波糖可减低餐后胰岛素分泌,调节血脂,减轻体重,更适合肥胖患者。
- cephalic phase of gastric secretion 胃液分泌头期
- intestinal phase of gastric secretion 胃液分泌肠期
- Gastric phase of gastric secretion 胃期胃分泌
- Showing acetyl choline and frog skin native is gastric secrete element adjust inside the wall two main medium in the mechanism. 说明乙酰胆碱和蛙皮素是胃泌素壁内调节机制中两个主要介质。
- Saliva is secretion of the salivary glands. 唾液是唾液腺的分泌物。
- The secretion of bile is useful for our bodies. 胆汁的分泌对我们的身体很有用处。