- Gas prices would double in 1979. 汽油价格在1979年要上涨一倍。
- Gas prices bring on new ways to cut corners. 油价另辟蹊径来降低费用。
- The glut of oil depressed gas prices. 石油充斥压低了天然气的价格。
- The oil shortage drove gas prices up by 20 cents a gallon. 由于石油短缺,汽油价格每加仑上涨了20美分。
- The 4.7% decline came just as gas prices were peaking. 这4.;7%25的减少恰是油价最高时期出现的。
- Well, what the high gas prices have to do with a bottle of tequila? 高涨的油价和一瓶龙舌兰酒究竟有什么关系呢?
- Mr. A tracks gas prices through credit card purchases. (A先生用信用卡帐单来追踪汽油购买价格。)
- The government should impose an cap across the gas price. 政府应当给燃气价格强制规定上限。
- Thousands of people demonstrated in the street for lower gas price. 成千上万的人走上街头游行,要求降低燃气价格。
- If refinery operations smooth out, gas prices could remain stable or even fall. 如果炼油厂恢复运转,石油价格就可能保持稳定,甚至还有出现下跌的可能。
- After the rise of gas prices in 2000, Gerdes began practicing hypermiling. 自2000年以来,油价开始攀升,葛德思开始练习用最少的油行驶最长的距离。
- How can we justify buying yet another car, when gas prices are so high? 油价这么贵,我们怎么能再买辆车呢?
- With gas prices high, many suburbanites yearn for a shorter commute. 油价上涨,许多市郊居民开始怀念短途通勤。
- The liquefied gas price goes down after its seven-month hike since last June. 今年瓶装液化气零售价格的首次降价,让不少市民纷纷前来充气。
- Any company that makes only small cars is at the mercy of fluctuating gas prices. 任何只是制造小型汽车的公司都受制于石油价格波动的影响。
- Consumer confidence surges in December as declining gas prices and improving job opportunities raise spirits, boding well for spending in the new year. 汽油价格降低和大量的工作机会使得的12月消费者的信心飞涨;这预示着新的一年消费良好.
- Even with gas prices well below their 2008 highs, large SUVs aren't exactly chic these days. 即使天然气价格远远低于其2008年的高点,大型SUV不完全别致的这些日子。
- Economists said they expected sentiment to improve as cheaper gas prices eased the strains on consumers' pocketbooks. 经济学家说他们认为在汽油价格方面的下调可以缓解消费者在消费方面的紧张。
- By the spring, with gas prices soaring to $4 a gallon, sales of GM's Hummer SUVs were in free fall. 春季时,随着汽油价格飙升至每加仑4美元,通用汽车旗下悍马SUV的销售一落千丈。
- More striking, speculators have been betting that natural gas prices will slump. 更说明问题的是,投机者一直押注天然气价格暴跌。