- Gas Blowing Position 喷吹位置
- In other wards, these gases blow by the piston. 换句话说,这些气体是通过活塞溢出的。
- When I walked into the wellsite, I was surprised to see oil and gas blowing out from the wellhead. 我走到井场的时候,看见油气正在从井口往外喷使我大吃一惊。
- The hot gas blew off from the steamer. 热气从蒸汽机中放了出来。
- With bottom gas blowing, water is uplifted by up-going gas acting as gas baffle, and flows close to the bath surface. 吹气以后,上升的气流起到了气幕挡墙的作用,通过上挡板下部的液流,被上升的气流抬起,贴近液面流动;
- Based on the dimensionless Froude and Reynold number similarity criteria, the effect of the gas blowing on the fluid flow in the tundish is studied in a water model. 连铸中间罐内钢水的流动对于成分和温度的均匀,非金属夹杂物的去除都有重要影响。
- With bottom gas blowing at the tundish, the average residence time of steel liquid flow in the tundish can be prolonged effectively;the dead volume fraction can be reduced. 采用中间包底部吹气技术,当控制的吹气参数合理时,可以有效地延长钢液的平均停留时间,降低死区体积;
- Abstract The present paper introduces deslagging by gas blow in the hot metal ladle desulfurization in No.1 Steel-making Plant of WISCO. 摘要 介绍武钢第一炼钢厂铁水罐采用吹气辅助除渣的情况,通过吹气辅助除渣水力学模拟实验,并结合现场生产实际进行铁水罐脱硫辅助除渣综合技术开发,改善颗粒镁脱硫的扒渣条件。
- The new adjustable Pressured gas blowing concentrators overcome the handicap causes by poor distribution of the nitrogen flow that results it can not blowing the samples at the same time. 新品可调型氮吹仪克服了以往氮吹仪中氮气流量不均而导致样品不能同时吹干的缺点,每路都配有流量调节装置,使流量的控制更加简便。
- The results show that the hot gas blowing from slit could reduce Sauter average droplet diameter, but with the increases of the blowing pressure difference, the Sauter average diameter reduces slowly. 结果表明:缝隙热气流吹扫可以减小二次水滴的Sauter平均直径,但随着吹扫压差的增大,平均直径的减小将变的缓慢;
- If the gas blows back, you must turn off the supply, as it is dangerous. 如果煤气管漏气, 你必须关闭送气管, 因为那很危险。
- Poison gas blew off and endangered the lives of hundreds of persons. 毒气喷出来,危及了几百人的生命。
- Pressured gas blowing concentrators carry on inert gases blowing on the heating samples, concentrate the samples repidly, in order to achieve fast seperation efforts. 氮吹仪氮吹仪采用惰性气体对加热样液进行吹扫,使待处理样品迅速浓缩,达到快速分离纯化的效果。
- The poison gas blew off from the pipe and endangered the lives of about hundreds. 毒气从管道里喷了出来,危及了几百人的生命。
- Develop of gas accidents after gas blow 燃气泄漏之后燃气事故发展的过程
- I'll refill my cigarette lighter with gas. 我将给打火机再灌满汽油。
- The gas bubbled to the surface of the water. 气体变成气泡升上水面。
- We are well served with gas in this town. 这个城镇煤气供应得很好。
- He cooks his meal with a gas stove. 他用煤气炉做饭。
- Don't forget to drop by at the gas station. 别忘了到煤气站去看看。