- Ganoderma nitidumn. 光亮灵芝
- Zanthoxylum nitidum ( Roxb. ) DC. 两面针
- Ganoderma lucidum(Leyss.ex Fr.)Karst. 灵芝
- Ganoderma tropicum (Jungh.) Bres. 热带灵芝
- Ingredient: Almond and Lucid Ganoderma extracted liquid etc. 主要成份:杏仁、灵芝萃取液、活性酵母精华、木瓜酵素。
- Result The percent of ganoderan in Ganoderma was 1.486%. 结果灵草口服液中药材灵芝的灵芝多糖含量为1。
- Cream made of Ginseng and Ganoderma can feed and moisturize skin. 含珍倨人?、爨芝精攘,可提供肌镊所需的鹇分,滋?肌镊。
- Paper products business is not the strong points of Zanthoxylum nitidum. 纸品业务并不是两面针的强项。
- Study of greenhouse cultivation of Ganoderma lucidum by bean straws. 木屑保藏菌种技术。
- The research advance on the effective constituents of Ganoderma spp. 灵芝有效化学成分研究进展。
- The specialty and plant technology of Ganoderma crebrostriatum Zhao et Xu. 密纹灵芝的特性与栽培技术。
- Ganoderma polysaccharides are the main functional composition of Ganoderma. 灵芝多糖是灵芝中的主要有效成份。
- Wan F, Huang D. / Both AFGS and natural Ganoderma sinense (NGS) have... 中译:一种免疫调节蛋白,灵芝-8,透过调整黏附分子促进细胞组成间的互动
- Triterpenoids are the main efficacious ingredients in ganoderma spore lipids. 灵芝三萜类化合物是灵芝孢子油中的主要功效成分。
- Var. nitidum Rehd.And also inspected the preparation of rhamnose by hydrolyzes kaempferitrin. 同时考察了水解山柰苷和芦丁制备鼠李糖的工艺。
- Definition: Shinyleaf Pricklyash Root is the dried root of Zanthoxylwn nitidum (Roxb.) DC (Fam.Rutaceae). 本品为芸香科植物两面针 Zanthoxylum nitidum (Roxb.;) DC
- Definition: Shinyleaf pricklyash root is the dried root of Zanthoxylum nitidum(Roxb)DC. (Fam.Rutaceae). 本品为芸香科植物两面针Zanthoxylum nitidum(Roxb)DC.;的干燥根。
- A brief summary of Zanthoxylum nitidum (Rox.)DC in pharmacognosy,chemical composition,pharmacology,application and development is reported. 扼要综述两面针的形态特征、化学成分、药理研究和开发应用情况。
- Survey on wild germplasm of Zanthoxylum nitidum in Guangxi was conducted via field investigation and interview investigation. 摘要采用实地调查和走访调查相结合的方法对两面针在广西的野生种质资源情况进行调查。
- Determination of nitidine chloride in Shinyieaf Pricklyash(Zanthoxylum nitidum) [J].Chin Tradit Herbal Drugs, 1998, 29(7): 445-6. HPLC法测定两面针中氯化两面针碱的含量[J].;中草药;1998;29(7):445-6