- Galois resolvent 伽罗瓦预解式
- On some problems of Galois theory. 关于伽罗瓦理论中几个问题的讨论
- Keywords: Galois Field, AES, cell-based library. 关键词:伽罗瓦场、进阶加密标准、标准单元库。
- And the resolvent of the difficulties is discussed. 讨论了建立应用程序时的难点解决方案。
- Finaly, the resolvent procedure is given. 最后给出了求解的计算程序。
- The Galois group of F/L is S, by a basic result of Emil Artin. 现代的方法比起置换群的方法,有几点优势:它使得伽罗瓦理论基本定理的描述更为简洁;
- At division, it presented the resolvent when divisor being zero. 除法运算中给出了除数为零的解决方案;
- This paper analyses the reason and resolvent of the problems. 本文就这些问题的产生原因及解决方法进行了分析讨论。
- About permanent resolvent for this problem, it is suggested that consult CJEC. 关于此类问题的永久性解决方法,建议向本公司咨询。
- Meanwhile, some problems occur, one of resolvent is to add nozzle width. 但同时出现一些问题,解决的办法之一就是增大喷嘴宽度。
- After the technical innovation, the paper finds a kind of thorough resolvent. 经过技术攻关,找到了一种彻底解决办法。
- Galois's work supplied a criterion constructibility that disposed of some of the famous problems. Galois的工作提供了可作图的一个判别法,这个判别法解决了一些著名的问题。
- The underlying algebraic structures are composite Galois fields GF((2~n)~m) in a standard base representation. 本文主要研究基于有限域GF((2~n)~m)上的椭圆曲线加密算法(ECC)的硬件设计。
- Moreover, If the order of K is a unit in R, then R~K is Galois over R~K with Galois group G/K. 如果还有K的阶数是R中的单位;则还有R~K在R~G上是Galois的;Galois群为G/K.
- An implementation for computing multiplicative inverses in Galois fields GF(2m) is presented. 在扩展欧几里得算法的基础上提出了有限域乘法逆元的计算方法。
- Various people have solved the inverse Galois problem for selected non-abelian simple groups. 但在数论和代数几何中经常出现特征非0的情况。
- Following Poincare's step,I will use Galois' head to be chaotizing step by step!!! 虽然基本能看懂,但是绝对写不出来这样的文章,高级词汇太多了,只会认但不会用。
- Quintic abelian fields are characterized in terms of their conductor and a certain Galois group. 本研究主要的目的是探讨中产阶级,尤其是中产阶级母亲对于子女教育实践的模式。
- Igor Shafarevich proved that every solvable finite group is the Galois group of some extension of Q . 这在经典框架中并不成为问题,因为这时总是可以假定为特征0的;
- There are other odd things about E, which have to do with specific properties of its Galois representations. 还有其他奇怪的事情,它必须要做的事情(具体的表述。