- Galea flavidensn. 黄齿豚鼠
- Galea with 2 marginal teeth near apex, beakless. 加利亚具2边缘的齿近先端,无喙。
- The subcutaneous, galea and periosteum were fixed with continue buried sutures. 结果:21例受术者均达到提额提眉、减少额部皱纹的美容效果。
- Every person who escaped from the twin towers potentially held information that could save lives, Professor Galea said. 每一个从双子星大厦逃出来的人手中都可能握有可以拯救更多生命的资讯,加里亚说。
- Leaves narrow. Inflorescences sparsely villous. Corolla 1.6--2.6 cm; galea obscurely serrate crested, slightly plicate. 叶狭窄。花序疏生长柔毛。花冠1.;6-2
- Leaves wide. Inflorescences densely villous. Corolla ca. 2 cm; galea narrower, truncate at apex. 叶宽。花序密被长柔毛。花冠约2厘米;盔瓣狭窄,削去在先端。
- In addition, the team has not yet looked at nerve-cell growth in dams that have had more than one pup, Galea says. 另外,研究队伍还没有对于神经细胞的生长进行过多的研究。
- Plants often more than 20 cm tall. Calyx 2-lobed. Corolla yellow, 1.5--3 cm; galea sometimes lacking marginal teeth. 植株通常20厘米高的超过。花萼2裂。花冠黄,1.;5-3厘米;盔瓣有时缺乏边缘的牙齿。
- In fact, the people on floors below the impact zones only just got out, Galea's calculations revealed. 在飞机撞击部位上面楼层工作的人员中,除了一小部分外,大都没能逃脱厄运。
- As this article was going to press, preliminary results were released based on additional research by Galea's group. 当本文付梓之时,盖立研究小组已经发布了另外一项研究结果。
- Calyx lobes 2 or 3, posterior one small or absent, lateral pair leaflike, dentate. Galea not crested in front. 萼裂片2或3,小的后面一枚或无,侧配对,配位基。加利亚不在前面达到顶点。
- The proboscis of moths and butterflies formed from the greatly elongated maxillary galea, is extended by increases in the haemolymph pressure. 喙管由下颚的外颚叶极端延长形成,低等的种类有很长的下颚须,高等的下颚须很短。
- Leaves pinnatipartite or pinnatisect; corolla red throughout or red with a purple-red galea; calyx 3- or 5-lobed; beak of galea not S-shaped. 叶羽状深裂或羽状全裂;在整个或红色具的花冠红色一紫红色盔瓣;花萼3-或5浅裂;盔瓣具喙不S形成。(2
- Leaves 1-pinnatisect or pinnatipartite, segments ovate to oblong, crenate to pinnatifid; galea shorter, apex with a conspicuous beak; pedicels 3--6 mm. 叶1羽状全裂的或羽状深裂,裂片卵形的到长圆形,具圆齿的到羽状半裂;缺乏的盔瓣,先端具一个显眼的喙;花梗3--6毫米(2
- The findings suggest that on the biological level, pregnancy and the early postpartum period "are almost like a down time," Galea says. 这些研究结果说明在生理层面,怀孕及产后早期是“最低潮的”。
- Calyx tube not reticulate veined; posterior lobe usually large. Galea crest short, not elongated into a prominent pointed process. 萼筒而不是网状的脉;后唇瓣裂片通常大。加利亚脊短,并非延长形成一突出尖突起。
- Corolla red throughout, mainly yellow with purple beak or red galea, or yellow with a red beak; corolla tube ca. 1.5 cm; middle lobe of lower lip obcordate. Filaments pubescent. 全部花冠红色,主要黄具紫色具喙或红色盔瓣,或黄色具一红色具喙;花冠筒长约的1.;5厘米;下唇的中部裂片倒心形。花丝短柔毛。
- Corolla yellow with brown-red galea; tube to 3.8 cm; middle lobe of lower lip ligulate. Anterior filament pair densely villous, posterior pair glabrous. 花冠黄具棕色红色的盔瓣;筒部到3.;8厘米;下唇的中部裂片舌状。前面的花丝对密被长柔毛,后唇瓣对无毛。
- Inflorescence axis, bracts, and calyx densely deep purple villous. Corolla to 2.5 cm; galea long, slightly shorter than to as long as lower lip, to 8 mm. 浓密的花序轴,苞片和花萼深紫色具长柔毛。花冠到2.;5厘米;长时间的盔瓣,对倍于下唇的稍短于,对8毫米
- Conclusion: Reconstruction of the anterior skull base using pedicled flaps of pericrania and aponeurotica galea is able to prevent postoperative complications of the anterior skull base surgery. 结论:带蒂帽状腱膜骨膜瓣重建前颅底能有效地防止前颅底手术后并发症。