the younger of two major political parties in the United States; GOP is an acronym for grand old party
Biden wasn't the only one who dropped the ball. Newsweek has learned that Sen.Strom Thurmond, the ranking Republican on Judiciary, didn't tell all the five GOP members of the allegations. 犯错的不只拜登一人。《新闻周刊》获悉司法委员会资深共和党参议员瑟曼未将指控告知所有5位共和党委员。
Fist,36, former publisher of the Nation, has never held public office, but he cut his teeth on politics. His father is a GOP congressman; his grandfather was a GOP congressman. 曾任《国家》杂志发行人的菲什,36岁,从未任过公职,可是现也开始从政。他的父亲是共和党国会议员,祖父也是共和党国会议员。