- GNSS navigation simulator 卫星导航模拟器
- In order to improve the navigation simulator's training quality, a new-style ship's VHF simulator system is proposed based on Internet. 摘要为提高航海模拟器的训练质量,提出基于因特网技术的新型船用VHF通信仿真系统。
- The resources and effects of the investigations about the uncertain information and actions of collision avoidance with the navigation simulator are emphasized. 探讨在航海模拟器上从事调查和研究海上船舶避碰中不确定行动与信息的方法;
- The navigation simulator made of SCM C8051F040, and extension to the CAN interface of the integrated navigation display and control console using SEM/CSD CAN card are introduced concretely. 然后,具体介绍了使用C8051F040单片机制作导航模拟器和使用SEM/CSD CAN卡对综合导航显控台进行CAN总线接口扩展;
- Simulated piloting of navigation simulateds the navigation states, environments and conditions of the a rowing in the sea. 航海模拟驾驶在地面条件下模拟赛艇在海上航行的状态,航行的环境和条件。
- QMC has the first-rate teaching and training equipment as the navigation simulator and engine room simulators and more than 100 training and experiment rooms, laboratories and language labs. 拥有国内一流的航海操纵模拟器、轮机模拟器等大型教学实训设备;有满足师生需要的100多个训练室、实验室、语音室。
- In this paper, a variety of risks of collision are simulatively avoided by using the navigation simulator in our college. The estimated DCPA are compared with the DCPA derived from simulated manoeuvring. 本文利用我院现有的航海模拟器;模拟避让了多种碰撞危险局面;把估算得到的DCPA值与模拟得到的DCPA值进行了比较.
- In the navigational simulator,a stereo display can provide important visual information for the spacial relationship among the objects and enhance the reality of 3D virtual scene. 在船舶操纵模拟器中,视景系统的立体显示为场景中物体的空间关系提供重要的视觉信息,并大大地增强了三维场景的真实感。
- Navigation is difficult on this river because of the hidden rocks. 因为河上有暗礁,所以在这条河上航行很困难。
- International Navigation Simulator Lecturers Conference 国际航海模拟器教师会议
- The procedure of the research subject strictly meet the standards in navigation simulation which is described by international maritime organization(IMO)STCW international convention . 在研究过程中严格按照国际海事组织(IMO)STCW国际公约关于航海模拟器的有关技术标准。
- The compass is an instrument of navigation. 罗盘是航行仪器。
- GNSS has been adopted by ICAO as a tendency of civil navigation technology. 全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)是当今民航导航技术的发展趋势,该系统已被国际民航组织采纳。
- The theory and practice of aircraft navigation. 航空学飞机航行的理论与实践
- electro-optical space navigation simulation 电光空间导航仿真
- electrooptical space navigation simulation 电光空间导航模拟
- Navigation is difficult on this river because of the hide rock. 因为有暗礁,在这条河上航行很困难。
- Aerial navigation by visual identification of landmarks. 地标领航用可视地标来进行飞机航行
- It is anticipated that around 2010 the next generation og GNSS will offer around one hundred satellites for positioning and navigation . 预期在2010年左右,下一代GNSS(Global Navigation Satellite Systems)将提供大约100多颗人造卫星用于定位和导航。
- Discussion on some issues in the drilling courses of marine radar navigation simulator 航海雷达导航模拟器训练课程中的几个问题的探讨