- GB/T5698-1985颜色术语Glossary of colour terms
- 电工、电力、电信、电子学、照明和颜色术语词汇。电力工程专用术语。收费率术语Glossary of electrotechnical, power, telecommunication, electronics, lighting and colour terms - Terms particular to power engineering - Tariffs terminology
- 自定义颜色custom colors
- 专业术语generic term
- 字体颜色font color
- GB/T5337-1985汽车电器、灯具和仪表名词术语" Nomenclature and terminology for automotive electrical equipment, lighting and instrumentation"
- 贸易术语standard trade surplus
- GB/T5640.2-1985扩口式三通变径管接头体Flared type tube fittings--Union tee reducer--Body
- 壁纸和油漆的颜色十分协调。The wallpaper and paint match pretty well.
- 法律术语legalese
- 颜色浅of light color
- GB/T5112-1985电子伏特与焦耳的相互换算表Electronvolt and joule conversion tables
- 术语表glossary
- 去给他们一点颜色看看,使他们害怕,这样他们就会服从命令了。Go out there and put the fear of God into them, so that they obey orders.
- (重要而难懂的)专门术语buzzword ; jargon
- 多种颜色multicolour
- 有些专门术语不在本词典的范围内。Some technical terms are beyond the scope of this dictionary.
- 这些颜色与她的肤色不相配。The colours are unbecoming to her complexion.
- 我不熟悉化学术语。I am not familiar with chemical terms.
- 颜色花哨的夏威夷衬衫。A jazzy Hawaiian shirt.