- Fushan watercourse 福山倒套
- Fushan Trust Market Metro Promotion Spot. 富山好又多美联外场推广点。
- The waste repository was usually the nearest watercourse. 废物容纳地点一般是离城市最近的水域。
- From Mountain Fushan Bay to Stone Old Man area, in Qingdao, China. 在中国青岛市的浮山湾至石老人海区。
- A watercourse that feeds water into a mill,water wheel,or turbine. 引水渠道将水送入磨坊、水轮或涡轮机的水道
- The waste repository was usually the nearest watercourse . 废物容纳地点一般是离城市最近的水域。
- This river has a zigzagging watercourse and many branches. 这条河的河道曲折,汊流众多。
- Water along wind watercourse moistening elegant "scenery. 流水顺着蜿蜒的水道滋润着优雅“风景”。
- From Fushan, to be good at flute and piccolo playing, like listening concert. 来自广东佛山,擅长长笛与短笛演奏,喜欢听音乐会。
- A watercourse that feeds water into a mill, water wheel, or turbine. 引水渠道将水送入磨坊、水轮或涡轮机的水道
- Being after her against the winding watercourse, the way is rough and long. 溯游从之,宛在水中央。蒹葭萋萋,白露未晞。所谓伊人,在水之湄。
- We walked along the narrow and crooked watercourse,going through the village. 我们沿着贯村而过的狭窄迂回河道行走。
- The first "Le Tian Cup" China and Korea Go competition started today at Fushan, the second largest city of Korea. 首届“乐天杯”中韩围棋对抗赛今天在韩国第二大城市釜山拉开帷幕。
- Hotel located in the bustling commercial circle of Fushan trade in Amoy, less 500 meters to Amoy railway station. 酒店位于厦门市繁华的府富山商业商圈,距离厦门火车站不到500米。
- This species of fish successfully transferred to that river through a watercourse. 这种鱼成功地通过一条水道到了那条河流。
- From Fushan, like to play harmonica, and is keen on symphony, PC, net and reading. 来自佛山,爱好口琴,喜欢交响乐,电脑,上网和看书。
- According to the data, there was an obvious masting cycle in 3 yr with poor fruiting in the Fushan area. 根据资料显示三年间长尾栲开花结果有丰欠年循环,但福山地区长尾栲结实状况不好。
- Anze bordering the east and the west and adjacent Hongtong north Qinyuan, Huozhou, south Fushan, Linfen. 东与安泽接壤,西和洪洞相邻,北接沁源、霍州,南临浮山、临汾。
- Waterfall in Wawa Ku (Doll Valley) located on the way from Wulai to Fushan town. 图1:娃娃谷瀑布位于乌来往福山村半途,是南势溪水源最丰富的地方。
- It was located between the mouth of the Singapore River and a small watercourse, which is known today as Stamford Canal. 位置在新加坡河口与一个今天称作史丹福渠的水道之间。