- Keywords Furong tin deposit;Qitianling granites;Chloritization;South China; 芙蓉锡矿床;骑田岭花岗岩;绿泥石化;华南地区;
- Furong tin deposit 芙蓉锡矿床
- Gejiu tin deposit is obviously controlled by faults. 个旧锡多金属矿床明显受断裂的控制。
- The reasons of reflow discoloration of tin deposit on connector were analyzed. 分析了连接器锡镀层发生回流变色的原因。
- Placer tin deposit in Xupu occurs in alluvial sediment of Quatemary SyStem and CaSSiterite chiefly concentrates at the bottom of Gravel layers. 溆浦砂锡矿床赋存在第四系冲积层中,锡石主要富集在底部砂砾石层。
- The Bailashui tin deposit is a large new-finding and preliminary evaluating deposit in the new round of geological survey. 白腊水锡矿床是在新一轮地质大调查中发现,并进行了初步评价的大型矿床。
- Ore controlling factors of Xianghualing skarn type tin deposit were discussed through the research on its geological characteristics. 纳木错-嘉黎断裂带是以铜、铅、锌为主的多金属成矿带,矽卡岩型矿床是该区带典型矿床类型之一。
- Stannolite occupancy is variable in contact-metasomatic tin deposit, and the distribution of tin in stannolite is below 70%.It should strengthen research... 接触交代型锡矿床锡的分配变化很大,锡石锡占有率一般在70%25以下,甚至有些矿床仅有百分之几,工业利用较为困难。
- The Dasongpo tin field is the typical representative of greisen tin deposit in west Yunnan,The orebodies are occurred as the vein group in NNW subordinate structural fractures. 大松坡锡矿是滇西云英岩型锡矿的典型代表。矿体产于燕山晚期花岗岩体内的次级NNW向构造裂隙带中,呈脉状成群产出。
- Keywords minerageny;pyrite;fluorite;Furong tin orefield;Hunan; 成因矿物学;黄铁矿;萤石;锡矿田;湖南;
- It is inferred that the ore-forming process of the Dengjiashan tin deposit is mainly controlled by the late-stage tectonic altered zones with the NNE trend and the major metallization pattern is the type of the tectonic altered rock zone. 邓家山锡矿成矿作用主要受后期北北东向构造蚀变带控制,主要矿化类型为构造蚀变岩带型。
- Keywords genetic mineralogy;sphalerite;chlorite;Furong tin allotment;Hunan; 成因矿物学;闪锌矿;绿泥石;芙蓉锡矿田;湖南;
- Keywords granite;types of tin ore;origin of tin deposit;prospecting model;Furong orefield; 关键词花岗岩;锡矿类型;矿床成因;找矿模型;芙蓉锡矿田;
- The dredges which dredging and mineral processing are combined into one are mainly used to mine the placer tin deposits in Thailand. 泰国对砂锡矿床主要采用采选合一的采砂船开采,所采用的采砂船可分为链斗式采砂船和铰吸式采砂船两种。
- Different from Bolivia Sn-B type, theYanbei porphyry tin depossits are of Sn-F type. This is an important feature of tin deposits in theCaledonian fold belt of South China. 不同于玻利维亚Sn-B型,本区为Sn-F型,这是华南加里东褶皱带斑岩锡矿的重要特征之一。
- Tin deposits in central Nanling region are mainly altered type,porphyry type,greisentype,hydrothermal vein type,hydrothermal metasomatic type and contact metasomatic type. 南岭中段锡矿床的成因类型主要有五种:蚀变花岗岩型、斑岩型、云英岩型、热液充填型、热液交代型和接触交代型。
- The path of civilization is paved with tin cans. 文明的大道,是铺满了空罐头。
- Characteristics and Prospecting Geophysical and Geochemical Significance of the Furong Tin Ore Field 芙蓉锡矿田地球物理地球化学特征及找矿意义
- tungsten and tin deposit in South China 华南地区钨锡矿床
- A small boy was beating out a tune on a tin can. 一个小男孩正用铁皮罐敲奏出曲子来。