- Function of Geology in Mine 地质工作在矿山中的作用
- I've studied geology in my college. 我在大学里已经学过地质学。
- Salt plays an important part in the function of the body. 盐在调节身体的机能方面扮演着重要的角色。
- He attained to great heights in the field of geology. 他在地质科学方面取得了很大成就。
- Feng Q Y, Sui W H, Han B P.Main issues of engineering geology in hydrogeology of red-bed occureed in mine construction and coal mining [J].Coal Science &Technology, 1994, 22 (9): 45-49. [1]冯启言;隋旺华;韩宝平.;建井与开采中红层的主要水文地质工程地质问题[J]
- In mine, I can't get enough sound out of it! 但是换成我来演奏,则得不到足够的音量。
- The ore-controlling functions of the Xiaoqinling gold field of Henan Province have been dis-cussed in detail using the methods of geology and methematical statistics. 运用地质、数理统计等方法,对小秦岭金矿田河南部分断裂的控矿作用进行了详细论述。
- Test on Function of Mycorrhizae In Citrus sp. 菌根的作用,在一种橘属植物中的试验。
- Our acquaintance degree of geology in the Ural-Volga area is limited to the geologic information from oil fields around. 摘要乌拉尔-伏尔加区块地质认识程度仅限于从周围油田获得的地质信息。
- I do not quite see the point of investing money in mine. 我觉得投资矿山没什么意义。
- The core function of geological study in reservoir modeling is mainly incarnated by applying facies controlling and geological conceptional models. 地质研究对储层建模的核心作用主要体现为相控建模原则的确立和地质概念模型的应用上。
- The magnitude and position of fatalness of coal &gas outburst are al-so different.The main function of geological structures has formed ... 地质构造的主要作用是形成了不同的构造应力分区,从而导致瓦斯不同程度地聚积与泄散,决定着煤与瓦斯突出的强度、密度的分区分带性。
- I do not quite see the point of invest money in mine. 我觉得投资矿山没什么意义。
- He is studying geology in his room. 他正在他屋子里学习地理。
- The core function of geological study in reservoir modeling is mainly incarnated by applying of facies controlling and geological conceptional models. 地质研究对储层建模的核心作用,主要体现为相控建模原则、和地质概念模型的应用。
- Growth is a function of nutrition. 长身体是由营养决定的
- The tiny hand clasped in mine relaxed its grip. 握在我手里的那只小手慢慢地松开了。
- The office or function of a rabbi. 犹太法学博士的身份或职位
- From the perspective of historical geology, study of the processes of geological events happened in the earth history, their evolutionary trends and environment impacts in the past and future, will be a major task of geology in the 21 century. 以历史地质学的方法和视角,研究地质过程的发生、发展和演化过程,以及这种过程在今天和明天的演化趋势,及其对人类生存环境的影响,将是今后一个时期地质科学的主要任务。
- There are more rooms in this house than in mine. 这幢房屋里的房间要比我家的多。