- Smoking is not permitted on the greens of fair ways. The function of mobile phones and pagers should be set to vibration. 球道及果岭上一律为禁烟区。12.;无线电话及传呼机功能必须设置为振动。
- Athletes should first have the sense of fair play. 运动员首先要有公平竞争的意识。
- The contestants agreed to observe the spirit of fair play in all of the games. 选手们赞同在所有的比赛中遵循公平竞赛的原则。
- Principles of fair play and equity count, too. 公平竞赛的原则也必须考量。
- Salt plays an important part in the function of the body. 盐在调节身体的机能方面扮演着重要的角色。
- Growth is a function of nutrition. 长身体是由营养决定的
- The captain, a true gentleman of fair play. 皇马队长,真正的公平竞赛的绅士。
- The office or function of a rabbi. 犹太法学博士的身份或职位
- He's walking a dog with a ragged coat of fair. 他在溜一只毛长得长短不齐的狗。
- Muscular, powerful, of fair length, well arched. 肌肉发达,强劲有力,长度适中,呈圆拱状。
- The function of the ear is to listen. 耳的功能是听。
- Yet hath my friend made use of fair advantage of his days. 我这位朋友却十分珍惜光阴。
- The function of an adjective is to describe or add to the meaning of a noun. 形容词的作用是描述或增加名词的意思。
- What is the function of the prepositional phrase? 这个介词短语的作用是什么?
- There was a man with manners, and an innate sense of fair play. 这真是一位有礼貌的人,一位天生有着公平意识的人。
- The goods we've provided are of fair average quality. 我们公司提供的货物具有良好的平均品质。
- The position or function of a trustee. 受托管理授托人的职责或作用
- It was revolting to the Englishman's idea of fair play. 这件事违反了英国人的公平竞争精神。
- A Survey of Marketing Function of Fairs 展览会营销功能初探
- Charles Bronson: I admire your notion of fair odds, mister. 布朗森:我尊重你公平竞争的信念,先生。