- Fujiwarano Yukinari 藤原行成(971-1027),日本人,书法家。
- Shang dynasty endured roughly from 1700 to 1027 B.C. 商朝大约历经了大约从公元前1700年到公元前1027年这一段时期。
- Vintage Rolex Prince Brancard 2tone striped 9k YG & 9k WG Ref. 971. 参考 971;成色 2 (较新);购买日期 1920's;黄金;手动上弦;
- The Zhou dynasty lasted longer than any other, from 1027 to 221 B.C. 周朝比此前其他朝代的存续时间长,从公元前1027年一直到公元前221年。
- Iron Dog Gold Rush Classic - Worlds longest snowmobile race; 1,971 miles of extreme snowmobiling Anchorage to Nome to Fairbanks. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
- In February of the fifth year of Tiansheng (1027 AD), in the form of an imperial edict, the emperor of Renzong issued the earliest script examination system. 天圣五年(1027年)二月,仁宗皇帝以诏令的形式颁布了迄今为止我们所能见到的最早的较为详尽的书稿审查制度。
- The Gist: The announcement of reallocation result for Peanut of Nicaragua Tariff Rate Quota for Lot No. 971 of year 2008. 主旨:公告97年度我国与尼加拉瓜自由贸易协定(971批次)花生类输入关税配额进口权利再开标核配结果。
- Gubler DJ,Bhattacharya NC.A quantitative approach to the study of ban-croftian filariasis[J].Am J Trop Med Hyg1974,23:1027. 史宗俊.;丝虫病传播阈值的研究[J]
- A town of northeast Massachusetts northeast of Boston. Founded in the 17th century, it is a boating center and resort. Population, 19,971. 马波海德镇:美国马萨诸塞州东北部一小镇,位于波士顿东北部。建立于17世纪,是划船游乐中心和度假胜地。人口19,971
- In 1993,5,971 people were cited as exemplary teachers and education workers in the national education system,among them 1,702 being women,or 28.5 percent of the total. 1993年,全国共表彰、奖励“全国教育系统优秀教师和教育工作者”5971人,其中女性1702人,占总数的28.;5%25。
- But we feel confident that the Shang period was the first true historical era, which was followed by the Chou dynasty, the longest dynasty in our history (from 1027 to 256 B.C.). 但是我们相信商朝是第一个真实的历史时代,随后跟著来的是周朝,它是我国历史上最长的朝代(从公元前1027年到256年)。
- In 1993, 5,971 people were cited as exemplary teachers and education workers in the national education system, among them 1,702 being women, or 28.5 percent of the total. 1993年,全国共表彰、奖励“全国教育系统优秀教师和教育工作者”5971人,其中女性1702人,占总数的28.;5%25;
- H.L.Liu, S.S.Gearhart, J.H.Booske, “Ultra-Shallow P+/N Junctions Formed by Recoil Implantation”, Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol. 27, No.2, pp 1027, 1998. 陈富亮,最新奈米光触媒应用技术,普林斯顿国际有限公司,2003/10。
- The Caro/Chl of 609 and 46 are over average value of slash pine’s half-sib under water stress.There are high contents of 464 and 1027 under water stress. 在水分胁迫条件下具有较高的光合色素是家系464、1027生长快、产量高的主要生理原因之一。
- The ways of prepare of lodophor used by \2 and chlorhexidine was tested.The effects of three kinds of germicide agents including lodophor, DP 300 and WD 971 were inspect-ed. 并对碘与醋酸洗必泰络合成碘伏的方法及其杀灭乙肝病毒的效果进行了实验比较。
- Thursday's weekly export sales report showed 971 t.m.t. of beans were sold last week up 21% from the week prior and 23% under our strong four week average. 周四公布的周度出口销售报告显示:有97.;1万吨大豆被出售,较前一周上升了21%25,但较四周平均水平下降了23%25。
- Methods A self-designed questionnaire was used to survey 1027 primary school teachers in Yiwu, and medical examination was conducted with laryngoscopy and gastroscopy. 方法对义乌市城区及农村部分小学教师采用自制的“小学教师嗓音保健调查表”进行问卷调查及耳鼻咽喉专科检查。
- Kucukatay V, Balkan S, Yaras N, et al. The effect of pergolide on cognitive performance of young and middle-aged rats[J]. Int J Neurosci,2002,112(9): 1027. 周杰明;赖世隆;胡镜清;等.;补肾益智法对卵巢切除大鼠学习记忆的影响[J]
- Chen JY, Chen WJ , Huang TJ .Spinal epidural abscess complicating cer2 vical spine rfracture with hypopharyngeal perforation[J ] .Spine , 1992 , 17(8) :971. 马如龙;张华;李世和;等.;脊髓型颈椎病手术治疗有关问题探讨[J]
- According to a report published on November 28, 2001 by the US Violent Policy Center, analysis of the murder data released by FBI shows that from 1995 to 1999, 3,971 infants and juveniles aged one to 17 years were murdered in handgun homicides. 美国暴力政策研究中心2001年11月28日公布的调查报告说,对美国联邦调查局的凶杀数据的分析显示,1995年至1999年,美国有3971名1到17岁的儿童和未成年人被枪杀。