- Fujiwara Seika 藤原惺窝(1561-1619),日本人,儒学家。
- A Dutch man-of-war in 1619 discharged the first blackmen. 一艘荷兰军舰在1619年运来了第一批黑人。
- A Dutch man-of-war in 1619 discharged the first black men. 一艘荷兰军舰在1619年运来了第一批黑人。
- Ormond JK.Idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis[J].JAMA,1960,174:1561. 俞天麟.;特发性腹膜后纤维变性1例报告[J]
- In 1619 the first Negro slaves were brought to America from West Africa. 1619年第一批黑人奴隶从西非运到美洲。
- The company locates in the heart of Qidong Economic Development Zone- 1561, West Renmin Road. 公司位于江苏省启东经济开发区中心地带,人民西路1561号。
- The curious yet majestic-looking ire ahead to the oldest stock exchange in Europe, built in 1619. 前方有个1619年建造的欧洲最古老的股市交易中心,上面有个奇特又壮观的塔尖。
- The Dutch East Indian Company was founded in 1602, and moved its headquarters to Batavia in 1619. 荷兰东印度公司成立于1602年,1619年将公司总部迁到巴达维亚,1624年占领台湾,对中国和日本的贸易为其在亚洲最重要的两条贸易线。
- Hiroshi Fujiwara is a popular Japanese musician, trendsetter, producer, and designer, born in Ise, Mie in 1964. 藤原浩,1964年出生于日本伊势湾,著名音乐人,时装设计师,被大众誉为里原宿潮流教父。
- Seika’s Atlanta office provides both sales and technical support for the SMT and ATE products that the company handles. 精华亚特兰大办事处提供销售和技术支持表面贴装技术和ATE产品,该公司处理。
- The crown on top is the original of 1619, discovered a few years ago in the tower. 讲道坛顶上的王冠是1619年的原物,是几年前人们在塔楼里发现的。
- The film depicts a director, Genya Tachibana, who is working on a documentary about a famous actress, Chiyoko Fujiwara. 影片描述了导演立花源也记录著名女星藤原千代子的一生。
- Testifying the experimental data of 155 compounds,the overall average relative deviation in 1561 temperature points is 1.93%. 通过对155种物质实验数据的检验,1561温度点的总平均相对误差为1.93%25。
- The curious yet majestic-seeing spire ahead tops the oldest stock exalter in Europe, built in 1619. 前方有个1619年建造的欧洲最古老的股市交易中心,上面有个奇特又壮观的塔尖。
- In 1561 Sigismund II Augustus incorporated Livonia into Poland, but when he died, leaving no heirs, the Jagiellon dynasty ended (1572). 1561年西格蒙德二世把利沃尼亚并入波兰,但他死后无嗣,亚盖沃王朝遂告结束(1572)。
- He studied in Kyushu Institute of Design, and worked as an associate professor with Toshio Matsumoto.Now he is working as a professor in Kyoto Seika University. 他曾在九州艺术工科大学学习,之后作为副教授与松本俊夫一道工作,现为京都精华大学教授。
- Fujiwara effect between the two systems is expected to be small as both cyclones are subject to strong external steering flow. 而因为两个气旋都有强力外来驶流,它们间的藤原效应将会变得不明显。
- The earliest compulsory education law on the world was 1619 the school law that duchy of Ma of German the Kingdom of Wei announces. 世界上最早的义务教育法令是1619年德国魏玛公国公布的学校法令。
- Tait AR,Larson LO.Resuscitation fluids for the treatment of hemorrhagic shock dogs:effects on myocardial blood flow and oxygen transport.Crit Care Med,1991,19:1561. 刘勇;吴新民;李军.;不同液体输注对犬失血性休克时血流动力学、氧转运及血管外肺水的影响
- ZHANG Jun, XU Ja-li.Oley oleate synthesis by immobilized lipase from Candida sp. 1619[J].Chinese J of Biotechnology, 1995,11(4) :325-331. [3]张军;徐家立.;固定化假丝酵母1619脂肪酶催化油酸油醇酯的合成[J]