- Fujii Yutaka 藤井丰
- He speaks in English] Fujii Itsuki straight flush. 他说英语)树藤井真的脸红了。
- Given clothing, a wig and lipstick, it is a near mirror image of Fujii. 再加上衣服、假发与唇膏,看起来几乎是藤雅子的翻版。
- Koya S, Yutaka W. Jointing Nitride Ceramics[P]. JP: 07011305, 1995-10-16. 专利专利所有者.题名(正体,实词首字母大写)[P].国别:专利号,出版日期
- This is the only pirated Yutaka's product that i bought, because i can't find it here. 妈妈,我的那顶草帽不知怎么样了?就是那年夏天在从碓冰去雾积的路上,掉进峡谷的那顶麦秸草帽哟!
- Nakamura I,Fujii M.Dephophorization of fecal wastewater by precipitation[P].JP 09 276 877.1997-12 -28. 赵宜江;嵇鸣;张艳;等.;氢氧化镁吸附陶瓷膜微滤对印染废水脱色的研究[J]
- REMBACKEN BJ,GODATA T,FUJII T,et al.Endoscopic mucosal resection[J].Endoscopy,2001,33:709. 杨建民.;消化道肿瘤的内镜下黏膜切除术治疗[J]
- A new study by Yin-Wong Cheung, Menzie Chinn and Eiji Fujii arrives at a similar result using World Bank price data across the whole economy. Menzie Chinn和EijiFujii在对世界银行的价格指数研究后,得出了相似的结论。
- Finance Minister Hirohisa Fujii said earlier this week, the government will not JAL loans or other forms of financial guarantee. 财务大臣藤井裕久本周稍早表示,政府将不会对日航的贷款或其它形式的融资提供担保。
- But, i realised that i didn't really contribute any goodies to the forum yet , you guys are too good on finding the exclusive works and stuff on Yutaka , thats why.. 妈妈,我的那顶草帽不知怎么样了?就是那年夏天在从碓冰去雾积的路上,掉进峡谷的那顶麦秸草帽哟!
- Fujii YTS, Sasaki O. Multivariate analysis of predictors of hematoma enlargement in spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage[J]. Stroke, 1998, 29:1160. 陈皆春,姜玉龙,孙德锦.;控制血压防止高血压脑出血血肿扩大的研究[J]
- Shinsuke H, Tomomi U, Yutaka K, et al . The value of power doppler imaging to predict the histologic components of benign prostate hyperplasia[J].Prostate,2002;53(2):168-74. 杨柳平;王良圣;魏鸿蔼;等.;前列腺移行带特异抗原密度检测前列腺癌的临床观察[J]
- Mr Fujii, 77, is a close ally of Mr Hatoyama and one of the few members of the cabinet with government experience and familiarity with the country's bureaucracy. 今年77岁的藤井裕久是鸠山由纪夫的亲密盟友,他是具有从政经验和熟悉该国官僚体系的少数几个内阁成员之一。
- The appointment of Mr Kan, formerly state minister for national strategy, and a close ally of Mr Hatoyama, comes just a day after Mr Fujii said he wanted to quit. 在藤井裕久表示希望辞职的第二天,前国家战略担当大臣、鸠山由纪夫的亲密盟友菅直人就被任命为财务大臣。
- Another recent study, by Yin-Wong Cheung, Menzie Chinn and Eiji Fujii, concluded that using conventional statistical methods it is hard to prove that the yuan is much undervalued. 近来另一项来自YinWongCheung,MenzieChinn以及EijiFujii的研究,得出结论说很难用传统的统计方法来证明人民币被严重低估。
- Jaded by so many years of ineffective leadership and worried that competition within the new government could leave Mr. Fujii hamstrung, veteran Japan watchers aren't optimistic. 日本资深的观察家对此并不乐观,他们对这些年来日本领导人的效率低下深感厌倦,担心新政府内部的竞争可能让藤井裕久难以施展。
- Kitamura R, Fujii S, Pas E I. Time-use data, analysis and model-ing: toward the next generation of transportation planning method-ologies. Transport Policy,1997(4);225-235. 王树盛,黄卫,陆振波,俞先江.;都市圈轨道交通客流预测方法研究
- Yutaka Kawashima also suggested that the Universe Development Undertaking Group organize an inspection team to thoroughly ascertain the reason why the satellite could not enter geosynchronous orbit. ”田中真纪子还建议宇宙开发事业团成立一个检查小组,彻底查明卫星进不了同步轨道的原因。
- Osaka International Airport is located in Itami City, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan, Yutaka in the city of Osaka, Ikeda City Airport (first air), referred to as the airport or Osaka Itami Airport. 大阪国际机场是一个位于日本兵库县伊丹市,大阪府豊中市、池田市的机场(第一种空港),简称伊丹机场或大阪机场。
- Love thinks that a relationship between Yutaka Takenouchi and (my name) has a very good chance of being successful, but this doesn't mean that you don't have to work on the relationship. 紧记每一段关系都需要两人多花时间一起,多些交谈、沟通......哈哈,那就死了!