- Fujian and Taiwan agriculture 闽台农业
- agriculture in Fujian and Taiwan 闽台农业
- Agriculture of Fujian and Taiwan 闽台农业
- The performance of the clowns is special in this local opera, popular in Fujian and Taiwan provinces. 高甲戏丑行的表演很有特色。
- As early as the Han Dynasty before Nostoc been collected on food, and spread to Guangdong, Fujian and Taiwan. 早在汉代以前,发菜就被人们采集食用,并传到广东、福建、台湾等地。
- Because of the geographical relationship, Fujian and Taiwan have consanguinity communication and the same headstream of science and humanity. 闽台两地因地缘相联、血缘相通,而有着长久与频繁的血缘认同与文化寻根活动。
- Today is a time of network, the computer are widely used in the libraries, the digitize of the local collection researches of Fujian and Taiwan are becoming reality. 在电子计算机进入图书馆以来,今又进入网络化时代,两地公共图书馆的闽台地方文献数字化、网络化读者服务转变的。
- This article describes the change of policy by the Qing goverument toward Taiwan,and the origin, development and perishment of the ferry between Fujian and Taiwan. 阐述了清廷对台政策的转变与闽台对渡的产生、发展和消亡演变过程,详细介绍了闽台对渡的管理。
- Wu Fuwen, the founding member of the International Hakka Association and a young scholar in Western Fujian, came to believe through his textual research that Western Fujian has an important place in the relations between the Hakkas in Fujian and Taiwan. 国际客家协会创会会员、闽西青年学者吴福文考证认为,闽西在闽台客家关系中占有重要地位。
- Wuyi and Ali Mountain, Jinhu and Riyue Tan “two mountain two water” the traveling cooperation connotation, encourages Fujian and Taiwan both banks more tourist scenic zone scenic spot docking. 进一步深化武夷山与阿里山、大金湖与日月潭“两山两水”旅游合作内涵,鼓励闽台两岸更多旅游景区景点对接。
- Yuan Muscum of Fujian and Taiwan 闽台缘博物馆
- financial cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan 闽台金融合作
- culture civilian exchange between Fujian and Taiwan 南少林文化
- agricultural cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan 闽台农业合作
- cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan 闽台合作
- the tourism resources of Fujian and Taiwan 闽台旅游资源
- Mazu Religion in Fujian and Taiwan 闽台妈祖信仰
- folk-custom of Fujian and Taiwan 闽台民俗
- forestry cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan 闽台林业合作
- Emmet: Erm, I can. Fujian and Tianhin. 嗯,可以。福建和天津。