- Fruit genetic resources 果树资源
- There were genetic resources of the raspberry 126 cultivars, 9 of which were Bulgarian (1999~2001). 摘要在保加利亚保存的树莓遗传资源有126个品种,其中9个是保加利亚的品种(1999~2001)。
- Recent developments in biotechnology as they relate to animal genetic resources for food and agriculture (1999). 有关用于食品与农业的动物遗传资源生物技术的近期发展情况(1999)。
- Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore (IGC). 知识产权与遗传资源、传统知识和民间文学艺术政府间委员会(IGC)
- CHANG Hong. Study on Domestic Animal and Genetic Resources of China. Xi'an: Shaanxi People Education Press. 常洪主编。中国家畜遗传资源研究。西安:陕西人民教育出版社。
- The technically effective system in inducement of cereal polyploid will conduce to creating a lot of new genetic resources with polyploid characters. 建立多倍体诱导的高效性实用技术体系,将有助于尽快获得大量的多倍体材料和新的遗传资源或种质资源。
- Multinational companies are unethically exploiting the plant genetic resources of developing countries. 跨国公司无道德地开发发展中国家的植物基因资源。
- Plant Genetic Resources Abstracts is updated weekly online, it is also available quarterly in print. 关键词植物学,植物资源,种质资源,信息,电子期刊,英国
- Multinational companies are unethically exploiting the plant genetic resources of deeloping countries. 跨国公司无道德地开发发展中国家的植物基因资源。
- Liu J P,Zhang X Q,Chen Y X.Study on production index of genet for wild gompressed limpograss[J].Journal of Plant Genetic Resources,2004,(4):338-341. [2]刘金平;张新全;陈永霞.;无性繁殖扁穗牛鞭草基株分蘖形成与生长特点[J]
- genetic resources of fruit trees 果树种质资源
- In recent years, AFLP markers have been widely applied to dry fruit genetics and breeding. 近年来,AFLP技术已在干果遗传育种研究中得到广泛应用。
- The Delegation of Morocco invested much hope in the work of the IGC concerning the traditional knowledge, folklore and genetic resources. 摩洛哥代表团对IGC涉及传统知识、民间文学艺术和遗传资源的工作寄予厚望。
- The Delegation underscored its interest in constructively addressing the issues relating to the protection of genetic resources and TK. 该代表团强调它对建设性地解决保护遗传资源和传统知识相关问题感兴趣。
- The work of the IGC was extremely useful and essential for traditional knowledge, traditional cultural expressions and genetic resources. IGC的工作对传统知识、传统文化表现形式和遗传资源极为有用、至关重要。
- Fruit juices ferment if they are kept a long time. 果汁若是放置很久,就会发酵。
- Organs, tissues and unicellular culture could be used not only to reproduce and keep genetic resources, but also induce somatic cell variation, produce mutant. 器官、组织和单细胞培养不仅可用于繁殖和保存种质,而且已用来诱导体细胞变异,产生突变体。
- FAO/IPGRI (1994) Genebank Standards. Rome, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations/International Plant Genetic Resources Institute. 中村俊一郎.;种子的干燥和调制
- However, there are several biopiracy cases against India's genetic resources and related traditional knowledge in recent years. 不过,近年来,国际社会出现了多起针对印度遗传资源及其相关传统知识的生物剽窃事件。