- Situated anterior to the frontal bone. 前额骨的位于额骨前部的
- They replied to the enemy's fire with a barrage. 他们用一阵炮火回击敌人的射击。
- The old Aswan dam was a barrage. 老的阿斯旺坝是一个拦河闸。
- Full frontal anarchy is his cry. 他鼓吹的是不折不扣的无政府主义。
- The attack jumped off under cover of a barrage. 进攻在炮火的掩护下开始了。
- Of or relating to the forehead or frontal bone. 前额与前额或额骨有关的或额骨的
- There is a continuing artillery barrage. 大炮持续不断的轰击伊军。
- Of or relating to the frontal plane. 正面的正面图的或与正面图有关的
- His comments provoked a barrage of criticism. 他的意见招来了一连串的批评。
- An ornamental border for a frontal. 额前饰带带有装饰性边的额前饰物
- They replied to the enemy rs fire with a barrage. 他们用一阵炮火回击敌人的射击。
- The enemy made a frontal attack on our troops. 敌人对我们的部队发动了一次正面的进攻。
- Lift the barrage top A barrageof criticism. 接二连三的一大堆批评。
- Soft frontal lighting smooths over form. 软正面照明平滑的形式。
- Announcement was met with a barrage of protests. 这项声明遭遇了暴风骤雨般的抗议。
- Weather fronts are bound up with a frontal cyclone. 天气的锋面和锋面气旋密切相关。
- They built a barrage across the bay. 他们建造了一座橫贯海湾的拦海堤坝。
- This barrage of good news worked a treat. 这么一大堆好消息就像盛宴一样。
- Put up a barrage! Spread out your fire! 展开弹幕射击!倾泻全部火力!
- Sally now resolved to brace up and risk a frontal attack. 于是萨利决定鼓足勇气,冒险正面进攻。