- Fresh freezes without the mark 清新无痕冰冻
- So the mark of generalship in the future is to win battles without the loss of thousands of soldiers and that would be what brings people to the rank of general. 因而,将来好将军的标志就是毋需伤亡上万名士兵就能赢得战争,这才是将军之所以成为将军的途径。
- Her school work isn't quite up to the mark. 她的功课不大符合要求。
- I just want an ordinary car without the frills. 我只要一辆没有多余装饰的普通汽车。
- He rubbed out the mark on his book. 他把他书上的记号擦掉了。
- Do you feel up to the mark this morning? 今天早上你觉得怎么样。
- He tried hard enough, but he missed the mark. 他作了很大的努力,但还是失败了。
- His illness left him without the power of speech. 他病後丧失了说话能力。
- Without the sun, nothing would grow. 没有太阳,就不会有生物。
- I could not wash away the mark of the scorch. 我洗不掉这焦痕。
- What you have just said is beside the mark. 你刚才所说的话不切题。
- I've got flu, so I'm not quite up to the mark. 我得了流感,所以有点不舒服。
- He lives in a cottage three miles without the town. 他住在城外三英里一所村舍里。
- I couldn't understand the book without the gloss. 没注解我看不懂那本书。
- He never lets an opportunity slip; he's always on the mark. 他总是当机立断,决不错过机会。
- Be quick off the mark if you hear of something promising. 若听说有前途的事情要马上行动。
- The attacks jumped of without the usual preliminary bombardment. 没有通常的预先轰击,进攻就开始了。
- Be away from duties without the permission of a superior officer. 军人在未获上级军官允许的情况下擅离职守。
- Local firms have been quick off the mark to cash in on the oil boom. 地方商行不失时机地利用油价暴涨大赚其钱。
- We can't start building without the council's approval. 未经委员会批准,我们不能动工。