- An orchestra usually includes some French horns. 乐队中一般都有法国号。
- From Guangzhou, to be good at flute and French horn, like dance. 来自广州,擅长长笛和圆号,爱好舞蹈。
- The French horn is the hardest wind instrument to learn. 法国圆号是最难学的管乐器。
- The concert will feature choir, cello, French horn and violin performances. 七月二十三日举办记者会,大提琴家张正杰将带来一场感人的音乐飨宴。
- A French horn. 法国圆号
- The French horn is capable of a variety of tone colors that range from the warm expressive to the rich powerful. 圆号的音域广阔,能奏出既富感情而又沧劲有力的音色。
- Main products are: Saxophone, Flute, Clarinet, Piccolo, Oboe, Trumpet, Trombone, French horn, Euphonium horn, Baritone horn, Tuba, Violin etc. 2001年“金音”品牌被中国技术情报监督协会确认为“质量过硬、放心品牌”。
- Chicheng Rhythm Musical Instrument Corp.,Ltd produces and sells all of kinds of musical instrument.Including trumpet,flute,clarinet,saxophone,pocket trumpet,French horn,trombone and tubo etc. 赤城胡义乐器有限公司生产经营各种规格的小号、长笛、黑管、萨克斯、手掌号、园号、长号、抱号等西洋管乐器及配件,其中我厂生产的各种中高档小号经专家鉴定属于国内的优质产品。
- With instruments frequently used in the orchestra as the main topic, the exhibition displays the violin(s), viola, cello, double bass, flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, harp, French horn, trumpet, trombone, tuba, and percussion instruments. 低音提琴是弓弦家族中最低音也是最大的乐器,演奏者必须站立拉奏,其音色庄重而低沉,能提供比大提琴更加深沉的声音基础。
- Kern's music has a kind of sensitive grace and his arrangements allow plenty of room for violin (Jeremy Cohen), cello (Thalia Moore), Luis Baez (clarinet), and Bob Ward (French horn). 舒服的心绪舒展了我的四肢,暖洋洋的我,已经无话可说了,只有默默的看着那双手,撩动了我的情感的飞翔。
- I joined the institute band, blowing the tuba and French horn, besides being elected as an active learner of Mao Zhedong's Works in the institute and also the supervisor of the dormitory. 我已经成为班级的活跃分子,除了被选为学院的学习毛著积极分子、集体宿舍的舍长外,还参加了学校的军乐队,吹起了大号和圆号。
- Basic points for performance of French horn 圆号演奏的基本要领
- Dan Dean Solo Brass French Horn GIGA 极品法国号独奏
- He was startled by the brazen notes of the horns. 喇叭洪亮的声音把他吓了一跳。
- She ordered a hamburger and French fries. 她叫了一客汉堡包和炸薯条。
- The lark's on the wing, the snail's on the horn. 云雀在空中飞翔,蜗牛伸出触角爬行。
- Have you heard the opera sung in French? 你听过用法语唱的这场歌剧吗?
- I can read French but I can't speak it. 我能看懂法文但不会说。
- The rhinoceros has one horn on its nose. 犀牛鼻子上有一个角。