- The French Foreign Legion was founded by a Royal Ordinance. 法国外籍兵团是按照皇家法令建立的。
- Once he attended a dinner given by the French Foreign Ministry. 一次,他出席了法国外交部举行的宴会。
- The French Foreign Legion was founded by a Royal Ordinance . 法国外籍兵团是按照皇家法令建立的。
- Introduction the French Foreign Legion.FFL home page. 介绍兵团的历史、组织、生活、如何加入等资讯。
- The reasons for forming the French Foreign Legion were probably twofold. 组建法国外籍军团的理由或许是双重的。
- "The pope?" Stalin supposedly sneered to the French foreign minister. 据称,斯大林曾在法国外长面前讥讽(教皇)道:“教皇?
- The French Foreign Minister was in an advantageous bargaining position in the negotiation with his German counterpart. 法国外交部长在同德国外交部长的谈判中处于有利的讨价还价的地位。
- The French Foreign Legion was founded by a Royal Ordinance, written on a small piece of official Prench War Office notepaper dated March 9th, 1931. 法国外籍兵团是按照皇家的一项法令建立的,这项法令记录在一小页法国陆军部公函信笺上,日期是1931年3月9日。
- French Foreign Minister Michel Barnier on Thursday urged Iran not to resume uranium. 法国外长巴尼耶12日在巴黎警告伊朗不要重启铀浓缩活动。
- French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner on Sunday described the hostilities in South Ossetia as "massacres. 法国外交部长库什内星期天把在南奥塞梯的敌对状态说成是“屠杀”。
- Then other approaches to the French foreign medical and biological educations and their related diplomas. 其次介绍法国对外医学和生物学教育的其他途径,以及与之相关联的各类文凭;
- Schumann was French foreign minister (during the de Gaulle era), while Monnet served as a foreign ministry consultant. 舒曼是法国[戴高乐时代]的外交部长,莫内则是法国外交部的一个顾问。
- French Foreign Ministry said the regretful situation had resulted from Iraqi leader's refusal for cooperation with the U.N. 法国外交部说,由于伊拉克的领袖拒绝和联合国合作,结果造成这个令人痛惜的下
- On May 9, 1950, the then French foreign minister Robert SCHUMAN announced his plan for European integration after WW II. 195 0年 5月 9日法国外长罗贝尔·舒曼提出的关于建立欧洲煤钢联营的计划拉开了战后欧洲联合的序幕 :它标志着法德两国的初步和解 ;
- "The European Union cannot be indifferent to this war, these massacres on our doorstep," said French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner. “欧洲联盟不能漠不关心,这场战争中,这些大屠杀对我们家门口,说: ”法国外长贝尔纳库什内尔。
- The economics bachelor Marc became the secretary of French Foreign Minister in Laos at 25 years old, and turned to art creation later. 经济学学士毕业的马克25岁时即为法国驻老挝外务大臣秘书,之后转向艺术创作。
- Gaullism made greatly influence on the development of French foreign policy. It became the keynote of foreign policy that maintains the national independence and status. 戴高乐主义对法国外交政策发展产生了重大影响,使维护民族独立、争取大国地位成为外交政策的基本理念,成为第五共和国外交政策发展的主线。
- The French foreign minister, meanwhile, suggested invoking United Nations powers to force delivery of international relief supplies on the reluctant Burmese government. 法国外交部长也声明应该调用联合国的权力对缅甸政府施压以保证国际救济物资的供应。
- In a long career, but with added vehemence after George Bush's invasion of Iraq, Jacques Chirac put opposition to American hyperpuissance at the heart of French foreign policy. 希拉克在其漫长的任期里一直把反对美国的超级强权作为法国外交政策的中心,尤其是美国入侵伊拉克之后表现更甚。
- Foreign nationals were asked to leave the country. 外国侨民被要求离开该国。