- The United States, France and China announced new efforts to fight birds flue. 美国、国和中国宣布:(以)的努力抗击禽流感。
- Communist party mouthpiece theGlobal Times wrote that "many" Chinese in France and China were calling for a boycott. 共产党的喉舌环球时报写道,“许多”在中国和法国的中国人呼吁抵制活动。
- The cooperation between INRIA and ACT will be a great promotion for scientific intercommunion between France and China. INRIA与ACT的交流合作将对中法之间的科技交流起到重大的推进作用。
- While private gunrlinners continue to thrive. The world's biggerst arms suppliers are the U.S, U.K, RUSSIA, FRANCE and CHINA. 世界上最大的军火供应商是美国,英国,俄罗斯,法国和中国。
- Where private gunrunner continue to thrive, the world's biggest arms suppliers are: the U.S., U.K., Russia, France and China. 当私人枪支走私继续茁壮成长时,世界上最大的军火供应商是:美国,英国,俄罗斯,法国和中国。
- Gilbert, as a famous drummer, have done many studio recordings in Mauritius, France and China with local and international artists. 作为打击乐大师,吉尔伯特曾分别与来自毛里求斯、法国和中国的艺术家们合作录音。
- While private gunrunners continue to thrive. The world's biggest arms suppliers are the U.S; U.K; Russia; France and China. 当私人枪支走私继续茁壮成长时,世界上最大的军火供应商是美国,英国,俄罗斯,法国和中国
- While private gunrunners continue to thrive. The world's biggest arms suppliers are the U.S., U.K., Russia, France and China. 你知道谁会坐拥这个世界?是军火商,因为其他人都在忙着自相残杀而最终灭亡。
- As America and Russia get close to 1,000 warheads each, they will want Britain, France and China to put their smaller arsenals on the negotiating table too. 随着美俄都接近 1000 枚弹头,他们也会要求英,法,中三国提交裁减计划。
- Nuclear officials from America, Russia, Britain, France and China will meet in London next month to explore ways to build confidence for future disarmament. 下个月,来自美国、俄罗斯、英国、法国和中国的官员将齐聚伦敦,探索今后裁减核武器的方法并建立合作信心。
- I am particularly glad to know of the warm relationship between France and China which will be instrumental in deepening the already close relationship between France and Hong Kong. 我特别高兴知道,中法两国关系友好,大大有助加深法国和香港的密切关系。
- All our glass and china is kept in the cupboard. 我们所有的玻璃和陶瓷器皿都放在柜橱里。
- In 2001, the proportion of defense spending of the United States, the Republic of Korea, India, Britain, France and China in their GDP was 3.5 percent, 2.84 percent, 2.9 percent, 2.8 percent, 2.25 percent and 1.6 percent respectively. 2001年部分国家国防费用占国内生产总值(gdp)比例:美国为3.;50%25;韩国为2
- They were near the border between France and Germany. 他们在法德边界附近。
- Abstract: As one of the design skills of forming a garden, "Garden within garden" has different appearance in France and China in the golden period of history, which has many practices in modern time. 摘要:“园中园”作为一种造园手法,在中法两国历史上鼎盛时期的园林中以不同的面貌存在,并且在现代园林中广泛应用。
- The English Channel is between France and England. 英吉利海峡在英国和法国之间。
- France and Switzerland are European countries. 法国和瑞士是欧洲国家。
- Alligators usually live in hot wet parts of America and China. 短吻鳄通常生活在美国和中国的湿热地带。
- Many tourists go to France and Italy in the summer. 夏天很多旅游者去法国和意大利。
- We travelled through France and Belgium. 我们走遍了法国和比利时。