- Fragaria gracilisn. 纤细草莓
- This point and the ophisaurus gracilis are close. 这一点与蛇蜥非常接近。
- Two women required a second gracilis interposition. 有两例女性患者接受了第二次股薄肌介植治疗。
- It's called Supersaurus gracilis! 秀丽超龙,产地:四川重庆。
- Beef rump includes semi-membranosus, adductor and gracilis. 牛肉--臀肉(Beef:Rump)臀肉也叫尾龙扒,主要包括半膜肌、内收肌、股薄肌等。
- The medial approach is between the gracilis and the adductor longus. 内侧入路在股薄肌和长收肌之间。
- People who live by the sea often make dishes from Gracilaria gracilis. 海边的人们经常用江蓠做菜。
- Strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duch.) is one of most important fruit crops cultivated widely in world. 摘要草莓是世界上重要的水果之一。
- Objective:To study the chemical constituents from the fruit of Fragaria ananassa . 目的:对草莓的化学成分进行研究。
- The state of plantlets and hairs formed on the runners were important classificatory characters among Fragaria species. 匍匐茎幼苗着生方式、绒毛着生方式是草莓种分类的重要性状。
- Objective To provide morphological basis for free gracilis muscle transplantation to manage brachial plexus injuries. 目的为臂丛神经损伤行游离股薄肌移植术提供形态学依据。
- Embryo Rescue of Hybrid between Fragaria nilgerrensis Schidl., Fragaria mandschurica Staudt. And Fragaria ananassa Duch. 黄毛草莓、东北草莓与凤梨草莓种间杂交种的胚拯救。
- A container experiment was conducted to study clonal integration of stoloniferous Fragaria vesca under light heterogeneity. 通过盆栽实验,研究了匍匐茎草本野草莓在异质性光照条件下的克隆整合。
- Effects of hot water treatment on the storage quality and physiological aspects in strawbrery fruits ( Fragaria ananassa Duch. 研究热水处理对草莓采后病害的抑制作用及对贮藏品质的影响。
- Other edible fruits include loquats (Eriobotrya japoniaca), pears (Pyrus communis), quinces (Cydonia oblonga), and strawberries (Fragaria). 其它可食的水果,还有枇杷(Eriobotryajaponiaca),梨(Pyruscommunis),榅桲(Cydoniaoblonga),草莓(草莓属)等。
- The discovery of many fossils there, especially Homo gracilis, has been of fundamental importance in the study of human evolution. 在这里发现的许多化石,特别人类下颚骨的发现,对研究人类进化产生了深远的影响。
- Above level T6, the neuron enters the fasciculus cuneatus - lateral to the fasiculus gracilis. 高于 T6 的,神经元会进入楔束即薄束的侧面。
- Conclusion: The gracilis muscle transposition is a safe and effective method of treating complex perianal fistulas. 结论:股薄肌转位介植治疗是一种对复杂肛周瘘的安全且有效的方法。
- You can see the rhapis gracilis in the fish pond and the water lily next to each other. 观赏鱼池里棕竹摇曳生姿,与水面上的荷花相映成趣。
- By means of the culture in vitro of unfertilized ovary of strawberry (Fragaria L), the gynogenesis was induced and the gynogenic plants with half number chromosomes were obtained. 本文以草莓为试材,通过对未受精子房的离体培养,诱导了雌核发育,并获得了染色体数减半的胚囊植株。