- Four times every three days 每三天四次
- Methods: Right ears of mice were repeatedly challenged with 0.1% dinitrochlorobenzen (DNCB) every three days for four times with previously sensitized with 7% DNCB to induce the model. 方法:用7%25二硝基氯苯(DNCB)外涂于小鼠背部致敏;5天后用0.;1%25DNCB于小鼠右耳内侧反复激发;每隔3天1次;引起慢性皮炎模型;给药组于激发后涂抹复曲膏。
- He comes to see us every three days. 他每隔三天来看我们一次。
- He comes to see his parents every three days. 他每隔三天来看他的父母一次。
- They had to move three to four times every year by the change of seasons, settling down along those places with adequate grass and water. 从前他们世世代代过着游牧生活,逐水草而居,根据季节的变化一年要搬迁三四次。
- Debbie phones her mother every three days. 黛比每隔两天给她母亲打次电话。
- The truck runs every three days. 卡车每隔两天开一次。
- We hand in our homework every three days. 我们每三天/每隔两天交一次作业。
- He comes here every three days (every third day). 他每三天(每隔两天)来这儿一次。
- You can water the flowers every three days. 你可以每三天给花浇一次水。
- The man we want does everything at exactly the same time every evening. I've watched him for three days. 我们要捉的那个人每天晚上都在完全相同的时间做相同的事情。我观察他三天了。
- I have to see my dentist every three days. 我每隔三天就要去看一次牙医。
- Mary Alvey,52,will donate to Peter,who undergoes dialysis at the hospital,Notts. Her husband,Des, 55,is giving a kidney to Elizabeth,who requires dialysis four times every day. 52岁的母亲玛丽·阿尔维将把肾捐给了每天都得在医院做透析的儿子彼得,而55岁的父亲德则把肾给了伊丽莎白,她平均每天要做四次透析。
- I help him to clean his room every three days. 每两三天我都要帮他打扫房间。他的房间经常是既脏又乱。
- Her daughter comes to see her every three days. 她女儿每三天来看她一次。
- Each pine log must be replaced every three days. 每根松木支架都必须每三天更换一次。
- Mary Alvey, 52, will donate to Peter, who undergoes dialysis at the hospital, Notts. Her husband, Des, 55, is giving a kidney to Elizabeth, who requires dialysis four times every day. 52岁的母亲玛丽·阿尔维将把肾捐给了每天都得在医院做透析的儿子彼得,而55岁的父亲德则把肾给了伊丽莎白,她平均每天要做四次透析。
- The LSST will cover the sky every three days. 而这台还在酝酿中的史上最牛望远镜,每三天就可以把整个天空扫一遍。
- The man we want does everything at exactly the same time every evening. I\'ve watched him for three days. 我们要捉的那个人每天晚上都在完全相同的时间做相同的事情。我观察他三天了。
- I'm cheesed off with having to mow the lawn every three days. 每隔三天就得割草坪真把我烦死了。