- Four hundred dollars a day. 美元一天。
- That'll is four hundred dollars a year,third party. 第三保的保费是四百元一年。
- They had begun to expect four hundred dollars a week in change, but it soon dwindled to two hundred and fifty. 他们已经开始期望每个礼拜能有四百美元的零钱就可以了,但即便如此,所得到的钱还是减少到了两百五十元。
- The two figured if they could get at least a hundred dollars a day from the teapot, they would be fine. 俩人曾经打过这样的算盘,要是一天能从茶壶里少说挣一百美元的话,他们的日子就好过了。
- Four hundred dollars a month. 一个月400元。
- A: A postal order for four hundred dollars. 一张400美元的邮政汇票。
- His wages are three hundred dollars a week. 他的工资为每周三百美元。
- Pull down more than five hundred dollars a month. 每月得到五百多元的工资。
- Twenty dollars a day plus ten cents a mile. 一天20元外加1英里10分钱。
- Well,let's see now,the rent is 10 dollars a day. 噢,我们来考虑一下吧,租金是10美元一天。
- Five hundred dollars a month is not much. 一个月五百美元是不多的。
- He allows his son five hundred dollars a month. 他每月给他儿子五百元。
- The terms at that hotel are ten dollars a day. 那旅馆的房钱是每天十美元。
- The boy was paid two dollars a day. 那男孩每天挣两美元。
- The monthly expenditure of our family is four hundred dollars altogether. 我们一家的开销每月共计四百元。
- B: One hundred dollars a night. 一百美金一夜。
- But my own income was not even 3 dollars a day! 但是我自己的所入,每天还不到3美元!
- We honored the check as the overdraft was only four hundred dollars. 您可以用支票从这账上支付货款。
- Fifty dollars a day with service. 连服务费每天50美元。
- Fifty dollars a day, service included. 50美元一天,包括服务费。